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改革开放以来,尤其是近几年来,我区有越来越多的国有、民营、股份制、中外合资等类企业以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,密切结合自治区经济社会发展和企业生产经营的实际,坚持以人为本,坚持以先进文化引领企业的各项工作,坚持经济效益和社会效益并重,积极承担企业的社会责任,关爱员工、诚信经营、热心公益,不仅为企业的科学发展、和谐发展、做大做强,奠定了良好的基础,而且也对地方经济增长、市场繁荣和人民群众生活水平提高及边疆稳定、社会进步作出了重要贡献,涌现出了一批有强烈的社会责任感、履行社会责任事迹突出、在各级领导和各族干部群众中有良好口碑与社会感召力的企业。 Since the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, more and more state-owned, private-owned, joint-stock and joint-stock enterprises in our region are guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents,” and thoroughly implement the scientific development In view of the economic and social development in the autonomous region and the actual conditions of production and operation in enterprises, we will adhere to the people-oriented principle, lead the enterprise in all aspects by adhering to the advanced culture, attach equal importance to economic and social benefits, actively undertake corporate social responsibilities, care for employees, Enthusiastic public welfare has laid a good foundation not only for the scientific development, harmonious development, enlargement and strengthening of the enterprise, but also has made important contributions to the growth of the local economy, the prosperity of the market and the improvement of living standards of the people as well as the stability of frontier and social progress. A group of enterprises that have a strong sense of social responsibility, outstanding performance in fulfilling their social responsibilities, and good reputation and social appeal among leaders at all levels and cadres of all ethnic groups have emerged.
简述了数字图书馆的起源、概念和特点,详细介绍了国内外数字图书馆的发展情况,数字图书馆发展的优势和数字图书馆建设的建议,及数字图书馆是图书馆发展的必然。 The origin,
德国朗盛公司已于日前推出了两款新的易加工型钕系顺丁橡胶(NdPBR)产品,以简化其节油型轮胎等产品的生产,并为轮胎开发提供了更多选择。据了解,新的改性钕系顺丁橡胶Buna Nd