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知识分子问题是中国革命和建设中的一个重要问题,也是毛泽东和邓小平高度关注的一个重要问题。尽管他们论述知识分子问题的时代背景不同,但都对知识分子的阶级属性和政治态度、知识分子在中国革命和建设中的地位与作用、知识分子的思想改造、尊重知识尊重人才等问题作了大量的论述,形成了系统的知识分子思想,分别成为毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的重要组成部分。如同邓小平理论与毛泽东思想既一脉相承又与时俱进一样,邓小平知识分子思想在新的历史时期既充分肯定和坚持了毛泽东关于知识分子问题的“主导思想”即正确的东西,又科学总结历史经验教训特别是根据实践的发展和认识的深化,坚决摒弃了毛泽东晚年在知识分子问题上的错误观点,鲜明地提出了一系列新的思想观点,丰富和发展了毛泽东知识分子思想,为我们党和国家制定并执行正确的知识分子政策提供了科学的理论指南。 The issue of intellectuals is an important issue in the revolution and construction in China. It is also an important issue that Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping are highly concerned about. Although they have different backgrounds in their discussion of intellectual issues, they all made distinctions over the class nature and political attitude of intellectuals, the status and role of intellectuals in the Chinese revolution and construction, the intellectual transformation of intellectuals, and the respect for knowledge and respect for qualified personnel A large number of expositions formed a systematic thought of intellectuals and became an important part of Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory respectively. Just as Deng Xiaoping Theory and Mao Zedong Thought inherited the same strain and kept pace with the times, Deng Xiaoping’s thought of intellectuals fully affirmed and upheld Mao Zedong’s “dominant ideology” on intellectuals in the new historical period Based on the development of practice and deepening understanding, historical experience and lessons have resolutely abandoned Mao Zedong’s mistaken views on intellectuals in his later years, put forward a series of new ideas and points clearly, enriched and developed Mao Zedong’s thinking on intellectuals, The party and the state have provided a scientific theoretical guide to formulating and implementing the correct intellectual policy.
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10月27日 晴  数学遍布在我们生活中的每一个角落,只要你认真观察,就会有发现。  星期天,妈妈带我去市场买菜,在一个卖青菜的摊子前,妈妈和卖青菜的婆婆讨价还价起来,最后,以一斤八角钱的价格,买三斤白菜送一斤的口头协议,买了三斤大白菜。妈妈问我:“我这样买菜,每斤便宜了多少钱?”我想了想,对妈妈说:“便宜两角。”惹得卖菜婆婆直夸我。回到家里,妈妈问我:“你是怎么算的?”我笑了笑说:“我先算3斤大
8月21日 晴  今年暑假,我们全家人一起回到了我的老家——唐山,我在那里享受到了我所向往的农村生活。  刚到了老家,亲戚便热情地迎接我们。进了院子,首先映入眼帘的就是那些玉米。玉米一穗穗黄澄澄的,弄得我是垂涎欲滴。玉米头上的玉米须就像是它们的头发,它们饱满得就像一个个胖娃娃似的。  院子里还有只大公鸡,它就像个大将军一样,挺着胸,抬着头,在我面前耀武扬威地走来走去,我拿菜叶儿喂它,它理都不理我,
生活中处处有语文,无论是读书看报、与人聊天,还是听相声、看电视广告,常规的或新奇的,别扭的或富有艺术性的,只要留心观察,随时注意语言现 Everywhere in life, there are