
来源 :干旱区资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiangsyy
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为了查明准噶尔盆地东南缘绿洲-荒漠交错带土壤螨类群落多样性与相似性特征,于2010年4月、7月、9月和11月中旬对该区的自然林、防护林、耕地、菜瓜地、荒草原、灌木林及荒漠等7种不同生境进行采样调查研究。结果表明,共获得土壤螨类5200只,隶属于4目41科61属。在7种不同生境土壤螨类群落多样性间具有明显的差异(p<0.05),Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)顺序为灌木林>防护林>自然林>荒草原>耕地>荒漠>菜瓜地,Margalef丰富度指数(M)顺序为自然林>防护林>灌木林>荒草原>耕地>菜瓜地>荒漠。Jaccard群落相似性分析表明,不同生境土壤螨类相似性程度主要为中等不相似(处于0.25~0.50),而在荒漠与自然林、防护林及灌木林之间的相似程度已达到极不相似水平。7种生境土壤螨类聚类和排序分析结果分为林地环境类型、耕作环境类型、荒漠草原环境类型和荒漠环境类型等四大类型。研究结果表明植被类型、土壤湿度和人为干扰是影响土壤螨类群落多样性及其动态变化的主要因素。 In order to find out the diversity and similarity of soil mite community in the oasis-desert ecotones in the southeastern margin of Junggar Basin, the natural forest, shelterbelts, cultivated land and vegetable melon in this area were collected in April, July, September and mid- Sampling and investigation were conducted on seven different habitats, including grassland, grassland, shrubland and desert. The results showed that a total of 5200 soil mites were obtained, belonging to 4 orders, 41 families and 61 genera. There was a significant difference (p <0.05) in the diversity of soil mite communities in seven different habitats. The order of Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H) was shrub> shelterbelts> natural forest> grassland> cultivated land> desert> , Margalef abundance index (M) in order of natural forest> shelterbelt> shrubbery> wasteland> arable land> rape field> desert. The similarity analysis of Jaccard community showed that the similarity degree of soil mites in different habitats was mainly not similar (0.25-0.50), while the similarities between desert and natural forests, shelterbelts and shrubbery reached extremely dissimilar levels. The clustering and sequencing results of soil mites in seven habitats were divided into four types: forest land environment type, farming environment type, desert grassland environmental type and desert environmental type. The results showed that vegetation type, soil moisture and man-made disturbance were the main factors affecting the diversity and dynamic changes of soil mite community.
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