追猎潜艇的红色海燕 苏俄海军[克里瓦克]级护卫舰型号识别

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1975年11月8日晚,一艘隶属于苏联海军红旗波罗的海舰队的“警戒”号驱逐舰在未得到舰队司令部批准的情况下,擅自启锚,离开拉脱维亚首都里加附近的达乌加维河湾驻泊地,向着波罗的海深处急驶而去。随后不久,部署在波罗的海地区的苏联海军护卫舰、驱逐舰、舰队航空兵以及空军的前线轰炸航空兵立即紧急出动,从空中和海上两个方向立体搜索、拦截和追猎这艘军舰……这出惊心动魄的海空立体对抗不是一次演习,而是真实发生的一起令波罗的海舰队乃至整个苏联海军颜面尽失、倍感耻辱的叛逃事件。原来,事情发生时,“警戒”号已经被以政治副舰长维克多·萨布林海军少校为首的叛逃人员控制,他们诱捕并关押了舰长波图利内海军中校,欺骗舰上大部分官兵,妄图劫持军舰前往瑞典。最后,在其它舰艇、飞机真枪实弹的拦截、攻击下,最初被蒙骗的水兵们开始明白舰上发生了不寻常的事,于是几个水兵冲破叛变人员的阻拦,释放了舰长,并在波图利内的带领下冲进驾驶舱击伤萨布林,重新夺回了战舰的控制权,戏剧性地结束了这场发生在冷战期间震惊苏联的叛逃事件。这次事件的主角——“警戒”号就属于本文所要介绍的“克里瓦克”级,当时它服役还不满一年,而且舰种级别也不是护卫舰,而是更高一级的驱逐舰。所谓“克里瓦克”级驱逐舰,实际上是北约对苏俄海军1135型大型反潜舰(B o JI b m N eⅡpo’T N B o n oⅡo h H bI e K o p a 6 JI N,缩写BⅡK)的称呼。除工程代号外,苏联国内还按照传统将此型舰命名为“海燕”级。不过相较而言,还是北约起的“克里瓦克”的名号更为响亮。如果要说“克里瓦克”级在苏联海军中有什么特别之处,那就是它是极罕见的在服役期内被降级的军舰。由于“警戒”号事件的牵连,整级舰的舰种被从大型反潜舰降格为警戒舰,而北约也根据这一变化将该级舰改称为护卫舰。 On the night of November 8, 1975, a “Caution” destroyer attached to the Baltic Fleet of the Red Navy of the Soviet Union opened a new window without permission from the fleet headquarters and left Dawugarwe, near Riga, the capital of Latvia River Bay anchorage, toward the depths of the Baltic Sea and rush away. Shortly thereafter, the Soviet Navy frigate, the destroyer, the fleet aviation and the Air Force bombing aviation deployed in the Baltic region immediately made an emergency move to conduct a three-dimensional search from both the air and sea levels to intercept and hunt the warship ... This thrilling sea Air-to-air confrontation is not an exercise, but a real defection that has made the Baltic Fleet and even the Soviet Navy face up and humiliating. It turned out that when the incident occurred, “Caution” had been taken over by defectors led by Major-General Victor Saablin, the deputy chief of the political forces. They seized and detained the captain Lieutenant Colonel Botulian, the deception ship Most of the officers and men vainly attempted to hijack the warship to Sweden. Finally, under the interception and attack of other ships and aircraft, the initially deceived sailors began to understand that something unusual happened on the ship. Several sailors broke through the blockage of the mutineers and released the captain. Poitlitzer led the burst into the cockpit to sabotage Sabrín, regain control of the battleships and dramatically end the defection that shocked the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The protagonist of this event, the “Guardian”, belongs to the “Kerry Wacker” class described in this article. At the time it was in service for less than a year, and the class was not a frigate, but a higher one Class destroyers. The so-called “Kerry Wacker” class destroyers were in fact NATO’s attack on the Soviet naval 1135 large antisubmarine submarine (BoJi bm Nippo Po’T NB onoⅡo h Hippel K opa 6 JI N, abbreviation BIIK) The title. In addition to the project code, the Soviet Union also named the ship as “Haiyan” according to tradition. However, in comparison, NATO’s “Kerry Wacker” is even more famous. What is so special about the “Krywak” class in the Soviet navy is that it is an extremely rare warship that has been demoted during its service. Due to the implication of the “alert” incident, the entire class of ships was downgraded from a large antisubmarine ship to a guerrilla ship, and NATO also renamed the ship “frigate” according to this change.
目的建立能够自主复制的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)体外细胞感染模型。方法制备HCV2a FL-J6JFH和阴性对照FL-J6JFH(GND)RNA转录体,分别转染Huh-7.5细胞,荧光定量PCR(FQ-PCR)检测细胞