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土蝗种类较多,我国已有四百多种记载。常见的种类主要有小车蝗、黄脊蝗、中华稻蝗、中华蚱蜢、大垫尖翅蝗、负蝗、笨蝗、短星翅蝗等。发生规律多为一年一代,有的种类一年两代。均以卵在土下越冬。土蝗分布广而适应性强,杂草多的山坡、河边、库边易发生。因土蝗不象飞蝗那样有群聚迁飞习性,所以只局部为害。解放前蝗灾发生严重,三大自然灾害(水灾、旱灾、蝗灾)中,就以蝗灾与其并列,农政全书描述为:“蝗虫聚集为害,使寸草不留,一至田中,稻麦立尽”。可见当时的蝗灾相当严重。解放后经过治理,蝗虫得到了有效控制。但近几年来,由于各地忽视对土蝗的防治,造成一些地区土蝗严重回升,并形成了一定为害。据去秋调查,河北省已有13个县近2万亩麦苗受到不同程度的土蝗为害。虽然在目前不致形成严重灾害,但防治土蝗切不可忽视,以保证粮食作物不受其害, More soil locust species, China has more than 400 kinds of records. Common species are car locust, yellow ridge locust, Chinese rice grasshopper, Chinese grasshoppers, large pad sharp-winged locust, negative locust, stinkbug locust, short star winged locust and so on. The law of occurrence is mostly a year, some species two generations a year. All over the winter with eggs in the soil. Soil locust widely distributed and adaptable, weeds and more slopes, riverside, Bank edge prone. Due to soil locusts do not like migratory migrant habits, so only local damage. Before the liberation of locust plagues serious, three major natural disasters (floods, droughts, locust plagues), with locust plague and its juxtaposition, the agricultural book described as: “locusts gather to damage, so that weeds do not leave, one to field, rice and wheat” . The locust plague was very serious at that time. After the liberation after governance, locusts have been effectively controlled. However, in recent years, due to the neglect of prevention and control of soil locusts around the country, the soil locusts in some areas have been seriously picked up and some damage has been caused. According to the survey to autumn, Hebei Province, nearly 13,000 acres of wheat seedlings have been affected by varying degrees of soil locust damage. Although no serious disasters will be formed at present, the prevention and control of soil locusts must not be neglected so as to ensure that grain crops are not harmed.
百合丛簇病毒(Lily rossete virus)在兰州和北京市郊栽培的兰州百合(Cilium davidi var.unicolor)常有发生。发病率一般为2—8.5%,最高达18%。茎呈扁平状,直径约5cm,最窄可
1985年从感染褐腐病的草菇(Volvariella volvacea)子实体中分离出一种病原细菌。经试验测定,此菌能侵入菌丝细胞内抑制草菇菌丝体生长,使之变黄甚至腐烂;子实体感染后黄褐色
柑桔木虱(Diaphorina citri Kuw.)何时传入本省已无法考查。80年代初期,全国有关专家在温州会诊,确证本省平阳等县存在柑桔木虱和柑桔黄龙病之后,引起了有关方面的重视。为
江西素有物华天宝 ,人杰地灵之称 ,而省会南昌近年来借创建花园城市的东风 ,正在迅速崛起 ,成为中部地区省会城市发展较快的城市之一 ,已经形成一江二河八湖的花园式湖滨城市
卵孢白僵菌Beauveria tenella)是蛴螬病原真菌,寄生于大黑鳃金龟(Holotrichiadiomphalia)和暗黑鳃金龟(H.morosa)。蛴螬感染病菌后,食量减退,行动迟慢,在虫体胸、腹节、足基
近年来,地膜覆盖田黄瓜枯萎病在我市发生严重,1986年用多菌灵进行防治试验,简报如下: 农药为50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂(江苏无锡农药厂),50%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂(江苏江阴农药厂)2
美国税式支出理论于六十年代创始后,美国经济学界的认识经历了以下两个不同的发展阶段: 第一阶段,从60年代至80年代中期,美国理论界对税式支出持普遍的赞同态度,其理由是:①