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目的了解西双版纳州3种特有少数民族6岁以下儿童“小儿四病”疾病谱现况,对版纳州三县(市)三民族0~6岁儿童进行贫血、佝偻病、呼吸道感染和腹泻调查,为儿童高发疾病的防治提供依据。方法采用典型抽样调查的方法,对版纳州3个特有少数民族6岁以下儿童进行体格发育调查,体格发育测量方法按全国九市儿童体格发育调查方案。结果版纳州贫血患病率19.1%,佝楼病患病率7.6%,呼吸道感染患病率6.8%;贫血率最高的勐腊县达35.6%,民族最高的傣族为23.4%,远远高于全省和全国水平。结论贫血高发原因可能与该地区地中海贫血和G6PD缺乏症高发有密切关系,防治贫血必须从控制地中海贫血开始。建议政府防治策略提升,才能确保出生人口素质。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of four diseases of pediatric patients under three years of age in three special minority nationalities in Xishuangbanna Prefecture and to investigate anemia, rickets, respiratory tract infection and diarrhea in children aged 0 ~ 6 in three ethnic groups in three counties (cities) , Provide the basis for the prevention and treatment of children’s high incidence of diseases. Methods A typical sample survey was conducted to investigate the physical development of children under 6 years of age in three ethnic minorities in the state of Banna. The measurement of physical development was based on the investigation program of physical fitness of children in nine cities of China. Results The prevalence of anemia in Banana was 19.1%, the prevalence of anemarrhena was 7.6% and the prevalence of respiratory infection was 6.8%. The highest anemia rate was 35.6% in Mengla County and the highest in Dai was 23.4% Provincial and national level. Conclusion The causes of high incidence of anemia may be closely related to the high incidence of thalassemia and G6PD deficiency in the area. The prevention and treatment of anemia must start from the control of thalassemia. Suggest that the government control strategy to enhance, in order to ensure the quality of the population born.
Date:April 18,2015Place:Guangzhou International Sports Arena Price:RMB 480/680/880/1280/1580/2280aKaty Perry’s The Prismatic World Tour was a huge success in 2
1 概述  电控喷射技术是汽车发动机节能环保的重要技术措施,目前汽车行业已经普遍实现电喷化,摩托车行业也已出产了多款电喷车。国内外开展了对摩托车用汽油机电喷的研究。新大洲本田摩托有限公司的“XDZ50DQT电喷摩托车项目”曾在2000年被有关方面确定为国家技术创新项目。2003年春兰集团对原有电喷系统做了改进,成功运用到出产欧洲的125踏板车上,通过CDI无触点电子点火装置智能控制点火角度,使发动
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