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从发动机的特性出发,绘制出发动机的相关特性曲面,在特性曲面上绘制出各挡位工作线。提出了一种计算油耗的新方法,找到发动机最优工作线。结合挡位工作线,确定了变速器合理换挡时机,最后根据所得结论对所采用的变速器进行了优化设计。 Starting from the characteristics of the engine, the engine draws the relevant characteristic surface, and draws the work line of each gear on the characteristic surface. A new method of calculating fuel consumption is proposed to find the optimal engine working line. Combined with the shift line, the reasonable shift timing of the transmission is determined. Finally, the optimized transmission is adopted based on the conclusion.
A Rose for Emily is the masterpiece of William Faulkner, who is regarded as the founder of Southern literature. The Fall of the House of Usher is one of the mos
Adopting a stylistic approach, this paper tries to figure out the theme of Larkin’s“The building”by means of observ-ing it on three different levels:aural, g
Based on the theories of conversational analysis proposed by Sacks et al,this paper chooses excerpts of candidates’inter-view from the Chinese recruitment real
This paper analyzing Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s and American leader Obama’s inaugurate speeches, aiming to discov-er the underlying culture patterns(individu
“A driving instructor can teach people driving without knowing anything about car mechanics. So why should a lan-guage teacher know anything about linguistics?
Based on Tyler&Evans’principled polysemy and from the perspective of cognition, this research interprets the proto-scene of preposition ON and points out that
Recast is the most frequently used error correction technique adopted by teachers in the communicative oriented class-rooms. This article illustrates the reason
传统媒体最怕的就是被说“老”。怎样通过微信让广播的路况播报“潮”味十足,牢牢抓住年轻受众?且看浙江交通之声的探索。 The traditional media is the most afraid to be