A New Integrated System of Logic Programming and Relational Database

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunjiajun75
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Based on the study of the current two methods—interpretation and compilation—for theintegration of logic programming and relational database,a new precompilation-based interpretiveapproach is proposed.It inherits the advantages of both methods,but overcomes the drawbacks oftheirs.A new integrated system based on this approach is presented,which has been implementedon Micro VAX Ⅱ and applied to practise as the kernel of the GKBMS knowledge base managementsystem.Also discussed are the key implementation techniques,including the coupling of logic andrelational database systems,the compound of logic and relational database languages,the partialevaluation and static optimization of user’s programs,fact scheduling and version management inproblem-solving. Based on the study of the current two methods-interpretation and compilation-for theintegration of logic programming and relational database, a new precompilation-based interpretiveapproach is proposed.It inherits the advantages of both methods, but overcomes the drawbacks oftheirs. A new integrated system based on this approach is presented, which has been implemented on Micro VAX II and applied to practice as the kernel of the KKBMS knowledge base managementsystem. Also discussed are the key implementation techniques, including the coupling of logic and relational database systems, the compound of logic and relational database languages, the partialevaluation and static optimization of user’s programs, fact scheduling and version management in problem-solving.
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