Single-photon interconnector composed of two individual one-dimensional nano-waveguides and a single

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangchenlin
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Recently, theoretical and experimental nano-sized fundamental devices for optical circuits have been proposed at the single-photon level. The assembly of a realistic optical circuit is now a reality. In this work, we introduce a single-photon interconnector composed of two individual nanowires and an optical N-type four-level emitter that can turn the optical connection on and off optically. Because of dipole-induced transmission at the single-photon level, a single photon can travel between the two nanowires reciprocally, which guarantees its application as an all-optical interconnector. Recently, theoretical and experimental nano-sized fundamental devices for optical circuits have been proposed at the single-photon level. The assembly of a realistic optical circuit is now a reality. In this work, we introduce a single-photon interconnector composed of two individual Because of the dipole-induced transmission at the single-photon level, a single photon can travel between the two nanowires reciprocally, which guarantees its application as an all-optical interconnector.
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