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大跨度挡潮闸设计门型选择是关键点,也是难点,通过对现状门型结构分析,提出一种挡潮闸网架结构门型创新方案;该技术是一种自主研发、具有独立知识产权的新型门体结构,在跨度方向采用拱形网架结构作为门体受力体系,塑料面板,以塑代钢、不生锈,免维修保养;充分利用网架结构的特点,大跨度、重量轻;同时,创新采用圆弧形凹形槽作为行走和支撑轨道,使门体的支撑和行走合二为一,合理地解决了大跨度门页的支撑和行走机构;网架结构门型,设计方案新颖、论证充分;进行了结构分析,并阐述了实施方法,可作为黄浦江或其他大跨度挡潮闸门型选择时参考。 The design of long-span tide gate is the key point as well as the difficult point. Based on the analysis of the status quo gate structure, an innovative scheme of tidal gate gate structure is proposed. The technology is an independent research and development with independent intellectual property Of the new door structure, the use of arched grid structure in the span direction as the door body force system, plastic panels to plastic instead of steel, no rust, maintenance-free maintenance; take full advantage of the characteristics of grid structure, span, weight Light; At the same time, innovative use of arc-shaped concave groove as the walking and supporting the track, the door body support and walking together, a reasonable solution to the long-span door page support and walking agencies; The design scheme is novel and the demonstration is full. The structural analysis and the implementation method are described, which can be used as a reference for choosing the Huangpu River or other large-span tidal gates.
目的构建白介素-6报告基因(IL-6reporter)载体并研究活动期系统性红斑狼疮(Systemic Lupus Erythema-tosus,SLE)患者血清对IL-6表达的影响。方法利用标准的分子克隆技术方法
AIM:To analyze risk factors for refractoriness to proton pump inhibitors(PPIs) in patients with non-erosive reflux disease(NERD).METHODS:A total of 256 NERD pat
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目的:比较联合胰腺外炎症CT评分(extropancreatic inflammation on abdominal computed tomography,EPIC)及中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(neutropil-lymphocyte rate,NLR)与急性