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水产养殖业是近年来发展最为迅速的行业之一,但疾病的暴发影响了水产养殖业产量的增长和水产贸易的发展。随着人们健康环保意识的加强,减少在水产养殖业中使用抗生素的呼声越来越高[1]。根据世界卫生组织的号召,我们应当在减少过量和不适当使用抗菌剂方面有所作为,疾病控制的关键在预防[2]。微生态制剂是由经过定向筛选的有益菌株配合而成,通过刺激机体的免疫系统,改善体内的微生态平衡,拮抗致病微生物,降解有机废物来达到抗病、促生长和净化水质的作用。从食品的安全性、人类的健康和环境保护的角度来讲,微生态制剂使用符合可持续发展的需要,是协调人与自然的关系,促进水产养殖业发展的安全有效途径[1]。 Aquaculture is one of the industries that have been most rapidly developing in recent years, but outbreaks have affected the growth of aquaculture production and the development of aquaculture trade. With the strengthening of people’s awareness of health and environmental protection, there is increasing demand for reducing the use of antibiotics in aquaculture [1]. According to WHO’s call, we should make some efforts to reduce the excessive and inappropriate use of antibacterials, and the key to disease control is prevention [2]. Probiotics are formulated with targeted strains of beneficial bacteria to stimulate disease resistance, promote growth and purify water by stimulating the body’s immune system, improving the body’s micro-ecological balance, antagonizing pathogenic microorganisms and degrading organic waste. From the point of view of food safety, human health and environmental protection, the use of probiotics in meeting the needs of sustainable development is a safe and effective way to coordinate the relationship between man and nature and promote the development of aquaculture [1].
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男性生殖器坏死性筋膜炎是能致死的少见疾病。我科收治2例均获治愈,报告如下。 例1 72岁。发病前10天会阴部长一疖肿,抓挠、热敷后局部皮肤红肿并迅速向阴囊、阴茎、肛周、