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在新课标的理念下,语文学习更是大力提倡对学生的全面文学素养的培养,而在小学是一个从幼儿过度到学生的一个过程,所以在这个时期,儿童文学的重要起到了一个过渡的作用,那儿童文学对小学语文的教学又有着怎样的作用呢?文本浅析儿童文学在小学语文中的现状及其对策。一、儿童文学故事的特点儿童文学中的故事比较有趣味性,更加吸引学生的注意力,而且其内容充满传奇的色彩也引导着学生浓厚的探索能力,在儿童文学中,其语言优美简单,使得学生更容易进入角 Under the concept of the new curriculum standard, Chinese learning is to advocate the cultivation of students’ overall literary accomplishment. However, primary school is a process of transition from toddler to student, so during this period, the importance of children’s literature played a transitional What role does it play in the teaching of primary Chinese? The text analyzes the status quo and countermeasures of children’s literature in primary school Chinese. First, the characteristics of the story of children’s literature The story of children’s literature is more interesting, more attractive to students’ attention, and its content is full of legendary color also guides the students a strong exploration ability in children’s literature, the language is beautiful and simple, Make it easier for students to enter the corner
老师家的阳台上种着许多花,有兰草、含羞草、菊花等。我最喜欢紫罗兰。 The teacher's balcony is planted with many flowers, blue grass, mimosa, chrysanthemum and so
国家自然科学基金重点项目(以下简称重点项目)支持科技工作者结合国家需求,把握世界科学前沿,针对我国已有较好基础和积累的重要研究领 The key projects of the National N
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谁也没有想到  嫩芽像小鸟的嘴巴  啄破了老树的枝丫  谁也没有想到  花蕾像个爱笑的娃娃  笑得春天露出了白牙  谁也没有想到  一只小鸟溜出了小巢  用嫩翅扇開了森林的门  谁也没有想到  一缕阳光飘进了树洞  用轻轻的手抹开了昆虫的眼睛   (选自《新经典小学生晨诵》,世界图书出版公司2016年版)
妈妈要上街给我买新衣,我耸耸肩说:“我现在要看书呢,你给我买就好了。”妈妈敲敲我的头说:“是给你买新服,你不去试一试,怎么知道穿上合不合适 My mom was going to the st
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