
来源 :歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:minjiangfashion
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【草原夜色美—解放军军乐团王和声作品音乐会】于2011年6月11、12日分别在解放军军乐厅和国家大剧院举行。王和声1971年考入解放军军乐团,现为中国人民解放军军乐团创作员,国家一级作曲。毕业于中央音乐学院作曲系,师从于著名作曲家牟洪教授。他创作的音乐无论是独奏、重奏、交响曲,还是独唱、重唱、交响合唱,都十分注重作品的民族性、群众性及时代感,题材涉及广泛、风格丰富多彩。二十多年来,共创作和创编各类声、器乐作品千余首,其中30多首作品品在全国、全军各项赛事中荣获大奖,并录制和出版发行了大量的优秀音像作品。 【Prairie Night Beauty - The People’s Liberation Army Band Orchestra Concert of Wang He Sheng】 was held on June 11 and 12, 2011 respectively at the People’s Liberation Army Military Music Hall and the National Grand Theater. Wang Hesheng was admitted to the People’s Liberation Army Military Band in 1971 and is now the composer of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Military Band, composing at the national level. Graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music composer, under the guidance of the famous composer Professor Mou Hong. His works include solos, quartets, symphonies, solos, chorus and symphonic chorus. They all pay great attention to the nationality, mass and modernity of his works. His subjects are extensive in style and rich in style. Over the past 20 years, a total of more than 1,000 pieces of sound and instrumental works have been created and edited. Over 30 of the first works have won prizes in various national and army competitions and a large number of excellent audio and video works have been recorded and published.
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