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在社会主义市场经济条件下,纪检监察机关如何围绕发展经济建设这个中心,全面履行其职能,更好地为维护政治稳定和促进经济发展保驾、护航、服务,是当前摆在我们面前的一个重要课题。下面,仅就行政监察如何为经济建设服务谈几点看法。 一、增强经济意识,认清监察的必要性 经济是社会发展的基础,监察工作是发展经济的一种有效的服务手段。监察机关利用特有的纠举、惩戒、教育、预防和保护的职能,为经济建设创造一个良好的环境,保证经济建设沿着正确的轨道健康发展。 一是监察机关必须增强发展经济是社会主义的根本任务的意识。社会的发展,归根到底是由生产力的发展所决定的。目前,我国还处于社会主义初级阶段,社会主义生产力水平还很低,生产社会化、商品化、现代化程度不高,同发达国家相比,仍有很大差距。因此,大力发展社会生产力,更具有十分的紧迫性。小平同志南巡谈话提出了“三个有利于”作为解放和发展生产力的根本标准,有利地促进了改革开放和经济建设的发展,使我国经济发展速度进入了快车道。通过改革进一步解放和发展社会生产力,集中力量把经济搞上去,实现社 Under the condition of socialist market economy, how the discipline inspection and supervision organ centering on the center of economic development and fulfilling its functions in an all-round way, and better safeguarding political stability and promoting economic development, is the one we now have before us Question. In the following, I only talk about how administrative supervision serves economic construction. I. Strengthening Economic Consciousness and Recognizing the Necessity of Surveillance Economy is the foundation of social development. Surveillance is an effective service means for economic development. Supervisory organs use their unique functions of enumeration, discipline, education, prevention and protection to create a favorable environment for economic construction and ensure the sound development of economic construction along the right track. First, the supervisory organ must enhance awareness of economic development as the fundamental task of socialism. In the final analysis, the development of society is determined by the development of the productive forces. At present, our country is still in the primary stage of socialism. The level of socialist productive forces is still very low. Socialization, commercialization and modernization are not high enough. Compared with developed countries, there is still a long way to go. Therefore, it is even more urgent to vigorously develop social productive forces. Comrade Xiaoping’s speech on the southern tour proposed the “three benefits” as the fundamental criterion for liberating and developing productive forces, which has benefited the development of reform and opening up as well as economic construction and brought the pace of economic development of our country into the fast track. Through the reform, we will further liberate and develop social productive forces, concentrate our efforts on boosting the economy and realizing socialism
1984年5月,冶金部安全环保司工业卫生处,邀请22位医师、工程师及卫生科、处长,组成七个检查组,分别对34个钢铁企业的尘毒危害与工业卫生情况进行了调查, In May 1984, the
在三峡工程所创造的一系列世界之最中,库区百万移民大搬迁这一“最”倍令世人瞩目:这是人类有史以来最大规模的工程移民,相当于动迁一个小国的全部人口。 在十余年的时间里,