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长春市聚财财务代理有限公司总经理于海龙自当选为长春市南关区人大代表以来,积极参加人大常委会和代表联系组的各项活动,认真履行代表职责,充分发挥了代表作用。2003年11月,他被选举为区人大常委会委员。认真调查研究,做好议案建议的提交工作。就群众关心的热点、难点问题进行调查,并在此基础上形成建议,是代表参与国家事务管理的具体体现。2003年9月份,于海龙对区内教育网点布局和教育质量进行了调查,在区十五届人大二次会议上提出了《关于积极整合教育资源,发展教育事业》的建议。这一建议得到区政府的高度重视,主管区长作了批示,有关部门不仅进行了落实,还陪同代表们进行了实地视察。教育局通过对南关区学校网点布局的调整,整合了教育资源,使教学环境得到有效的改善。 Ever since Hailonglong was elected as NPC deputy to Changchun’s Nanguan District, Yu Hailong, general manager of Changchu Ju Cai Finance Agency Co., Ltd., has actively participated in various activities of the NPC Standing Committee and the representative contact group and conscientiously performed delegate responsibilities and gave full play to its role as a representative. In November 2003, he was elected as a member of the district people’s congress. Serious investigation and study, do a good job submit proposals for proposals. Conducting surveys on the hot and difficult issues of concern to the masses and forming suggestions on this basis are the concrete manifestation of the representatives’ participation in the management of state affairs. In September 2003, Yu Hailong conducted an investigation into the layout of education outlets in the region and the quality of education. During the second meeting of the 15th NPC, the “Proposal on Actively Integrating Educational Resources and Development of Education” was put forward. The proposal was highly valued by the district government, the district governor gave instructions and the relevant departments not only implemented but also accompanied the delegates to carry out site inspections. Through the adjustment of the layout of the Nanguan District school outlets, the Education Bureau has integrated educational resources so that the teaching and learning environment can be effectively improved.
Ein Schlüssel ist ein Werkzeug zum ffnen eines Schlosses, beispielsweise eines Tiirschlosses. Er wird dazu in ein Schlüsselloch eingeführt und umgedreht.
We present a nonlinear ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier based on enhanced nonlinear effects that can produce a flat broadband spectrum ranging from 1050–1225 nm
目的 探讨泌尿系各部位血管瘤的诊断和治疗方法. 方法血管瘤患者20例,血管瘤发生于肾脏5例、输尿管2例、膀胱10例、尿道4例;其中发生于膀胱和尿道者1例,膀胱和头颈部者1例,尿道和会阴部者1例.术前诊断主要采用B超、CT、IVU及内窥镜检查等.手术治疗19例(95%),1例尿道血管瘤者行激光治疗. 结果肾、输尿管、膀胱和尿道血管瘤术前确诊分别为0、1、9和4例.病理类型:海绵状血管瘤13例,毛细血
1999年的夏天,天气特别闷热,那是我一生中最难熬的一段日子,我在高考时意外落榜了。这个打击,使我的心像倒塌的房子一样,崩溃了。尽管父母并没有责备我什么,但我知道, The
照片上的他,现在是英国伦敦“水晶宫”酒店的最佳厨师,1999年毕业于崇明县新业职校烹饪专业班的秦龙泉。 He is now the best chef at the “Crystal Palace” hotel in Lo