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一、为避免食盐盲目运销,供求失调,达到有计划的分配和正常流转,在保证民需与照顾运商利益原则下,制定本规则。二、本规则所称运商,系指迳至食盐产场或产场附近之大集散点(如济南徐州),一次购盐量在二九七担(即半车皮)以上,运至各地销售之批发盐商。因其运销范围之不同,分为区内运商与区际运商,凡运销范围在本区以内者,为区内运商,在两区以上者,为区际运商。区的界限,以盐务总局划分的各种盐行销区为准。三、为统一管理食盐运销,由中央人民政府贸易部呈准政务院财政经济委员会,授权中国盐业公司(简称中盐公司)办理食盐运商登记及 First, in order to avoid salt blindly marketing, supply and demand disorders, to achieve the planned distribution and normal circulation, in ensuring the interests of the people and the need to take care of business, the development of these rules. 2. The term “business operation” as mentioned in these Rules refers to the large distribution points (such as Xuzhou, Jinan) where the salt is produced from or to the vicinity of the production site, and the amount of salt purchased at a time is more than 197% The wholesale salt business. Because of the different scope of its marketing, is divided into regional business and regional business, where the distribution within the scope of the district, for the region, in more than two districts, for the interregional business. The limits of the district shall be subject to the various salt marketing zones divided by the Salt Administration. Third, in order to unify the management of salt transportation and marketing, the Central People’s Government Trade Department was approved by the Financial and Economic Committee of the State Council to authorize China Salt Industry Corporation (Salt Company for short) to handle the registration of salt business registration and
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