Low overhead design-for-testability for scan-based delay fault testing

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanghao521146
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An efficient design-for-testability (DFT) technique is proposed to achieve low overhead for scan-based delay fault testing. Existing techniques for delay test such as skewed-load or broadside make the test generation process complex and produce lower coverage for scan-based designs as compared with non-scan designs, whereas techniques such as enhanced-scan test can make the test easy but need an extra holding latch to add substantial hardware overhead. A new tri-state holding logic is presented to replace the common holding latch in enhanced-scan test to get a substantial low hardware overhead. This scheme can achieve low delay overhead by avoiding the holding latch on the critical timing scan path. What’s more, this method can also keep the state and signal activity in the combinational circuit from the scan during data scan-in operation to reduce the power dissipation. Experiment results on a set of ISCAS89 benchmarks show the efficiency of the proposed scheme. Existing techniques for delay test such as skewed-load or broadside make the test generation process complex and produce lower coverage for scan- based designs as compared with non-scan designs, than techniques such as enhanced-scan test can make the test easy but need an extra holding latch to add substantial hardware overhead. A new tri-state holding logic is presented to replace the common holding latch in enhanced-scan test to get a substantial low hardware overhead. This scheme can achieve low delay overhead by avoiding the holding latch on the critical timing scan path. What’s more, this method can also keep the state delay the scan during data scan-in operation to reduce the power dissipation. Experiment results on a set of ISCAS89 benchmarks show the efficiency of the proposed scheme.
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