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  China now has 52 sites on the UNESCO2 World Heritage list. The list was to protect unique3 cultural and natural sites around the world. Let’s take a look at some heritage sites in China. May be it can give you some clues on your next travel plan.
  Brief Introduction
  Chengjiang’s fossils4 are located in Chengjiang county in Yunnan province. They present the most complete record of an early Cambrian marine5 community. The specimens6 are well-preserved. They record the early development of a complex marine ecosystem7. The site documents a variety of mysterious8 groups, as well as about 196 species. It presents important evidence of the diversification9 of life on Earth 530 million years ago.
  Natural Heritage
  The Chengjiang Fossil Site is one of the earliest records of a complex marine ecosystem. Moreover, it shows that complex community structures had developed very early in the Cambrian diversification of animal life. The area provides a unique window of understanding into the structure of early Cambrian communities.
  Brief Introduction
  Located in southwest Sichuan province, Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries10 is home to more than 30 percent of the world’s giant pandas. It is the largest and most significant remaining contiguous11 area of panda habitat in the world. It is also the species’ most important site for captive breeding. The sanctuaries are home to some endangered12 animals such as the red panda, the snow leopard and clouded leopard. In 2006, Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries was added to the World Natural Heritage List.
  Natural Heritage
  Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries—Wolong, Mt Siguniang and Jiajin Mountains—is famous for its importance in the conservation13 of the giant panda. It is recognized as a national treasure in China and an icon14 of global conservation efforts. It protects a wide variety of topograph15, geology, and plant and animal species.
  四川大熊猫保护区由卧龙、四姑娘山和夹金山构成,它因保护大熊猫的重要地位而出名。在中国,它是公认的国家宝藏,是全球为生物保护做出贡献的象征。四川保护区维护了生物多样性,保护了大范围的地貌、地质、动植物种类等。   Brief Introduction
  The Historic Center of Macao includes the oldest Western architectural16 heritage on Chinese soil today. Together with Macao’s traditional Chinese design, it witnesses17 the success of East-West cultural pluralism18 and architectural traditions. It is the product of East-West cultural exchanges. It has the most unique blend19 of cultural heritage among China’s historic cities. Macao was added to the list on July 15, 2005.
  Cultural Pluralism
  Macao is the West’s first established gateway into China. Macao inherited various cultural experiences and regional20 influences. It then developed these together with the local Chinese culture.
  1. UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
  2. heritage sites 遗产;遗址
  3. unique [ ] adj. 独特的;独一无二的
  4. fossil [ ] n. 化石
  5. marine [ ] adj. 海的;海事的;海生的
  6. specimens [ ] n. 样品,样本;标本
  7. ecosystem [ ] n. 生态系统
  8. mysterious [ ] adj. 神秘的;不可思议的;难解的
  9. diversification [ ] n. 多元化
  10. sanctuary [ ] n. 鸟兽禁猎区
  11. contiguous [ ] adj. 邻近的;连续的
  12. endangered [ ] adj. 濒于灭绝的
  13. conservation [ ] n. 保存;保护
  14. icon [ ] n. 象征
  15. topograph [ ] n. 形貌;(显示晶体等物体表面特征的) X射线物相照片
  16. architectural [ ] adj. 建筑的
  17. witness [ ] vt. 目击;经历;见证
  18. pluralism [ ] n. 多元论
  19. blend [ ] n. 混合;掺合物
  20. regional [ ] adj. 地区的;局部的
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