实现市场机制和宏观调控有机结合 促进水电工程建设发展——浅谈怎样提高水电工程基本建设经济效益的几点体会

来源 :人民长江 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:echoifanfan
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改革开放以来,水电工程建设经营方式逐步从计划经济向市场经济转变,由国家一元投资开发模式转变为中央地方企业多元共同投资开发模式。建设管理方式也逐步从过去的行政方式为主的指挥部负责制为代表的管理模式转变为以业主负责制的管理模式。但目前仍普遍存在一些问题。为促进水电工程基本建设上新台阶,充分发挥工程效益,需继续坚持中央和地方合作,共同开发水利资源的正确方针,充分发挥中央和地方的积极性。继续推行业主负责制,组建强有力的建设班子,这是搞好水电工程建设的关键。推行招投标承发包制,充分运用市场竞争机制,加强宏观调控,促进水电建设水平全面提高。 Since the reform and opening up, the mode of construction and operation of hydropower projects has gradually shifted from a planned economy to a market economy, transforming from a national one-dollar investment and development model to a multi-joint and common investment and development model of the local enterprises in the central region. The construction management mode is also gradually transformed from the management mode represented by the command system in charge of the headquarters, which is mainly in the administrative mode, to the management mode with the owner-responsibility system. But there are still some common problems. In order to promote the basic construction of hydropower projects to a new level and give full play to engineering benefits, it is necessary to continue to adhere to the correct guideline for cooperation between the central and local governments to jointly develop water resources and give full play to the enthusiasm of the central and local authorities. Continue to implement the owner responsibility system and set up a strong construction team, which is the key to hydropower construction. The implementation of bidding and tendering contract system, make full use of market competition mechanism, strengthen macro-control and promote the overall level of hydropower construction.
根据国务院决定 ,为解决国内棉花积压 ,简化操作程序 ,减轻企业负担 ,鼓励企业使用国产棉加工出口产品 ,保持并扩大我国纺织品及服装出口市场和出口规模 ,特制定本办法。一、
本刊讯 为配合国家经贸委、信息产业部和科学技术部联合发起并组织实施的“企业信息化工程”,“世界电子商务与网络博览会”将于2000年7月12日至15日在中国国际展览中心隆重举办。 电
一些与海关工作相关的企业将收到一份关于海关行风评议的调查问卷。为贯彻落实全国纠风工作会议的部署 ,全国海关将从4月中旬开始开展纠风整纪专项治理。作为第一步 ,海关将委
丝裂原活性蛋白激磷酸酶 - 1 (Mitogen -activatedproteinkinasephosphatase - 1 ,MKP - 1 )属于MKP家族 ,是由早期应答基因编码的双特异性磷酸酶 ,主要分布于细胞核内 ,在丝