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金融与实体经济关系的破题关键在于四点:一是准确定位,厘清地方政府职能;二是创新金融,加大金融支持实体经济力度;三是多措并举,防范地方性金融危机;四是引入保险机制,探索金融风险分担机制和处置机制。 The key to the topic of the relationship between finance and real economy lies in four points: first, to accurately locate and clarify the functions of local governments; second, to innovate finance and increase financial support for the real economy; third, to take measures to prevent local financial crises; fourthly, to introduce Insurance mechanism to explore the financial risk sharing mechanism and disposal mechanism.
SECRAL(Superconducting ECR Ion Source with Advanced design in Lanzhou)magnet body was suc- cessfully fabricated and shipped to Lanzhou in 2005.The magnet was su
The neutron powder diffractometer at Heavy Water Research Reactor (HWRR) in China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) is applied to study crystal and magnetic str
A nonlinear ultrasonic technique has been developed to evaluate sensitization in Type 304 stainless steel.In order to achieve diferent degree of sensitization(D
We investigate the ground-state rotational bands of nuclei with Z≥100 using cluster model proposed by Buck et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 202501]. The cor
Multilayered TiAlN/CrN coatings have been synthesized on stainless steel substrates by cathodic arc plasma deposition using TiAl and Cr targets.Influences of th