在席卷全国的改革大潮面前,故宫博物院也需要改革吗?故宫人的回答是:故宫也要改革。 位处北京中轴、占地72万平方米、金碧辉煌的故宫博物院,是我国馆藏文物最丰富、以宫廷文物为主的古文物和宫殿建筑的综合性国家级博物馆,是社会主义精神文明建设的窗口单位及对社会开展文化教育、历史教育和爱国主义教育的重要基地。明清两朝二十四代皇帝,曾在这里居住并实行统治近五百年。1925年10月10日成立的故宫博物院,至今也已有
In front of the sweeping tide of reform sweeping the country, the National Palace Museum also needs reform? Forbidden City’s answer is: the Forbidden City also reform. Located in Beijing’s central axis, covers an area of 720,000 square meters, magnificent National Palace Museum, is China’s most extensive collection of cultural relics, mainly to the palace of ancient relics and palaces architecture comprehensive National Museum, is the construction of socialist spiritual civilization Window units and to carry out cultural and educational, historical education and patriotism education an important base. The Ming and Qing dynasties, twenty-four emperors, lived here and practiced for nearly five hundred years. The National Palace Museum was established on October 10, 1925 and has so far existed