A Glimpse of Music and Literature in French Symbolism Through Three Modern Chinese Writers——Shen Con

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The relationship between music and literature is a continuous topic among poets, and a key subject for the Symbolists. From the mid-19 th century on, the French Symbolist theories on music, which largely regard music as the superior form of art, have influenced the modern ideology of both the literary and artistic worlds. French Symbolists have even been considered the pioneers of literary Modernism. Undoubtedly, French Symbolism came into China along with other literary trends during the early 20 th century and influenced modern Chinese literature. Modern Chinese writers, in turn, developed their own thinking on music and literature, a thinking which reflected its French roots. Therefore, an examination of their ideas can offer a viewpoint for us to understand the diverse routes of the importation of ideas into China. This article will read into the words of three distinctive modern Chinese writers, to have a glimpse of how they viewed the relationship between music and literature, as well as the inter-relationship between their ideas and the connection with French Symbolism. The relationship between music and literature is a continuous topic among poets, and a key subject for the Symbolists. From the mid-19 th century on, the French Symbolist theories on music, which largely regard music as the superior form of art, have influenced the modern ideology of both the literary and artistic worlds. French Symbolists have even been been considered the pioneers of literary Modernism. Undoubtedly, French Symbolism came into China along with other literary trends during the early 20th century and influenced modern Chinese literature. Modern Chinese writers , in turn, developed thinking of its reflection in music and literature, a thinking that reflected its French roots. Therefore, an examination of their ideas can us a viewpoint for us to understand the diverse routes of the importation of ideas into China. read into the words of three distinctive modern Chinese writers, to have a glimpse of how viewed a relationship between music and literature, as well as the inter-relationship between their ideas and the connection with French Symbolism.
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