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统计学资料表明,孕妇在妊娠期间患恶性肿瘤的发病率约为孕妇的0.07~0.1%左右。一般认为母体的恶性肿瘤的治疗无论对胎儿或母体都有一定的不良作用。细胞毒药物或放射治疗(放疗)均可明显增加胎儿畸形和流产的发生率,若推迟恶性肿瘤的治疗或随意改变有效的化学治疗(化疗)方案则可影响母体的预后或生存期。为此如何在妊娠期妇女进行抗肿瘤治疗是一个极为棘手的问题。本文就近几年的研究进展作一简要的文献综述。 Statistics show that the incidence of pregnant women suffering from malignant tumors during pregnancy is about 0.07 to 0.1% of pregnant women. It is generally considered that the treatment of the mother’s malignancy has some adverse effects on the fetus or mother. Cytotoxic drugs or radiation therapy (radiotherapy) can significantly increase the incidence of fetal malformations and abortion, if the delay in the treatment of malignant tumors or random changes in effective chemotherapy (chemotherapy) program can affect the prognosis or survival of the mother. For this reason how to anti-cancer treatment of pregnant women is an extremely difficult issue. This article summarizes the recent research progress in recent years.
The group of foreigners that I am with are loudly belting out one of our favorite tunes by Tina Turner “I left a good job in the city, working for the man ever
一幅幅超脱凡人想像力的作品,一块块沉默的岩石化作晃动的生命,一尊尊形态怪异的雕塑静静述说万千年潮起潮落的故事……自然·艺术——台湾野柳地质公园@杨金拔@郑如光 A pi
Ab initio calculations based on the density functional theory have been performed to investigate the migrations of hydrogen(H) and helium(He) atoms in β-phase