A guide to diagnosis of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in digestive diseases

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maygrass
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Iron deficiency (ID), with or without anemia, is often caused by digestive diseases and should always be investigated, except in very specific situations, as its causes could be serious diseases, such as cancer. Diagnosis of ID is not always easy. Low serum levels of ferritin or transferrin saturation, imply a situation of absolute or functional ID. It is sometimes difficult to differentiate ID anemia from anemia of chronic diseases, which can coexist. In this case, other parameters, such as soluble transferrin receptor activity can be very useful. After an initial evaluation by clinical history, urine analysis, and serological tests for celiac disease, gastroscopy and colonoscopy are the key diagnostic tools for investigating the origin of ID, and will detect the most important and prevalent diseases. If both tests are normal and anemia is not severe, treatment with oral iron can be indicated, along with stopping any treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the absence of response to oral iron, or if the anemia is severe or clinical suspicion of important disease persists, we must insist on diagnostic evaluation. Repeat endoscopic studies should be considered in many cases and if both still show normal results, investigating the small bowel must be considered. The main techniques in this case are capsule endoscopy, followed by enteroscopy. Iron deficiency (ID), with or without anemia, is often caused by digestive diseases and should always be investigated, except in very specific situations, as its causes could be serious diseases, such as cancer. Diagnosis of ID is not always easy. Low serum levels of ferritin or transferrin saturation, imply a situation of absolute or functional ID. It is sometimes difficult to differentiate ID anemia from anemia of chronic diseases, which can coexist. In this case, other parameters, such as soluble transferrin receptor activity can be very useful. After an initial evaluation by clinical history, urine analysis, and serological tests for celiac disease, gastroscopy and colonoscopy are the key diagnostic tools for investigating the origin of ID, and will detect the most important and prevalent diseases. normal and anemia is not severe, treatment with oral iron can be indicated, along with stopping any treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the absence of of response to oral iron, or if the anemia is severe or clinical suspicion of important disease persists, we must insist on diagnostic evaluation. considered. The main techniques in this case are capsule endoscopy, followed by enteroscopy.
妈妈的诉说  活了几十岁,也当了十几年的父母,虽然没有高功大德,也没为孩子打造出丰厚的物质基础,可是在同龄人中,我们夫妻多少也算学有所长,在抚养教育孩子上,也算是尽心竭力。  孩子小的时候,礼貌聪明,同事朋友无不羡慕我们家庭的文化氛围,称赞我们教子有方。那时候,我们不仅快乐过,自信过,还有一些沾沾自喜。可现在呢?一切全变了!刚上初二的儿子我们已经管不了了!倒不是说他道德品质有多么不好,也不是说他学
一、存在的问题目前 ,中学生心理健康教育课程管理主要存在以下几个问题 :1.主体不清。对谁是心理健康教育的对象 ?这一问题 ,认识比较模糊 ,对什么样的人需要什么样的教育更
【内容摘要】兴趣是最好的老师,是学生学习的法宝。初中地理教学的目标就是通过课内外多种措施,采取有趣的教学方法,充分调动和提高学生学习地理的积极性,就能极大地培养学习地理的兴趣,使学生从被动学习变为主动学习;从不爱学地理变为爱学地理,进而会学地理,最终达到学好地理,提高地理教学质量的目的。  【关键词】地理课堂 兴趣 教学效果  兴趣是最好的老师,是学生学习的法宝。兴趣是提高课堂教学质量的有效保障。
人犬共患病是指犬与人之间自然传播的疾病和感染。包括由犬传给人类的疾病,也包括人类传染给犬的疾病。因此,人犬共患病是指由病毒、细菌、衣原体、立克次体、支原休、 Huma