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2008年,会有多少新的调整政策出台?2008年,房价是涨还是跌?2008年,中小房企的末日到来了?最近两个月,是中国房地产业争论最多的月份。关于“拐点”的争论还未平息,“物业税”开征又引得舌战群起。2008年,中小房地产企业的末日真的来了吗?房地产中介真的到了崩溃的边缘了吗?深圳、北京等一线城市房产相继入冬的报道铺天盖地,随着成交量的萎缩,利空消息的涌现,“地产冬季”成为最多地产人和投资者讨论的话题。最近两个月,是最值得房地产界思考的月份。房地产行业的发展越来越引起各界的关注,调控的方面越来越多,内容也越来越贴近实际。2007年的宏观调控政策全面而密集,涵盖了房地产市场的土地、供应结构、税费、住房保障、房贷等各个方面,2008年,还会有哪些新政出台?自2004年10月29日首次加息开始,我国至今已加息10次,“今年,央行还会调整利率吗?”……所有这一切汇聚在一起,形成两个字——变数。怎样在变数中熬过寒冬见到春天?怎样在变数中成长壮大,迎接新一轮的发展浪潮?希望业界人的精彩回答能给您启迪。 In 2008, how many new adjustment policies will be introduced? In 2008, the price is up or down? In 2008, the end of small and medium-sized housing prices coming? The last two months, is China’s real estate industry the most controversial month. The debate on “inflection point ” has not yet subsided, “Property Tax ” levy and lead to war of words group. In 2008, the end of small and medium real estate business is really coming? Real estate agency really to the brink of collapse it? Shenzhen, Beijing and other cities in the first-line housing have been overwhelming coverage, with the shrinking volume, bad news , “Real estate winter” has become the topic of discussion of most real estate and investors. The last two months, is the most worthy of the real estate sector thinking about the month. The development of the real estate industry has aroused more and more attention from all walks of life. More and more aspects of regulation and control have been taken and the content has become more and more realistic. The macro-control policies in 2007 are comprehensive and intensive and cover all aspects of the real estate market such as land, supply structure, taxes and fees, housing security and mortgage loans. What new deals will be introduced in 2008? Since the first increase on October 29, 2004 At the beginning of the interest rate, China has so far raised interest rates by 10 times so far this year, “will the central bank adjust the interest rates?” "All this brings together to form a two-word variable. How to survive the winter in the variable to see the spring? How to grow in the variables to meet the new wave of development? Hope that the wonderful answer to the industry can give you inspiration.
Recently,due to the international financial crisis,the decline in domestic economic growth and in the real estate market, the central and local governments have
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