
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:playchild
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正文:随着我地区建筑工程快速发展,房地产开发和公共建筑工程纷纷开工建设,特别是住宅工程的质量,是老百姓最关心的热点问题。从近几年来看我地区建筑工程质量总体有所提高,但也存在质量通病,需要改进和采取防止措施,现本人根据实际工作经验和规范要求,针对存在的质量通病谈一下本人的看法和建议。一、存在的质量通病如下:1、砼跑模、胀模现象比较普遍。2、框架结构中,大部分采用轻质陶粒砌块,加气砼砌块等新型材 Text: With the rapid development of construction projects in our region, real estate development and public construction projects have started construction, especially the quality of residential projects, is the most concerned about the people’s hot issues. In recent years, the quality of construction projects in our region has generally been improved, but there are also common quality problems that need improvement and preventive measures. Now, based on actual work experience and regulatory requirements, I talk about my own opinions and suggestions on existing quality common problems . First, the existence of the quality of common problems are as follows: 1, concrete running mold, bulging mold phenomenon is more common. 2, the framework of the structure, most of the light ceramsite blocks, aerated concrete blocks and other new profiles
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