Complications of stent placement for benign stricture of gastrointestinal tract

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxh5310
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AIM: To observe the frequent complications of stent placement for stricture of the gastrointestinal tract and to find proper treatment.METHODS: A total number of 140 stents were inserted in 138 patients with benign stricture of the gastrointestinal tract. The procedure was completed under fluoroscopy in all of the patients.RESULTS: Stents were successfully placed in all the 138 patients. Pains occurred in 23 patients (16.7%), slight or dull pains were found in 21 patients and severe chest pain in 2 respectively.For the former type of pain, the patients received only analgesia or even no treatment, while peridural anesthesics was conducted for the latter condition. Reflux occurred in 16 of these patients (11.6%) after stent placement. It was managed by common antireflux procedures. Gastrointestinal bleeding occurred in 13 patients (9.4%), and was treated by hemostat. Restenosis of the gastrointestinal tract occurred in 8 patients (5.8%), and was apparently associated with hyperplasia of granulation tissue. In 2 patients, the second stent was placed under X-ray guidance. The granulation tissue was removed by cauterization through hot-node therapy under gastroscope guidance in 3 patients, and surgical reconstruction was performed in another 3 patients. Stent migration occurredin 5 patients (3.6%), and were extracted with the aid of a gastroscope. Food-bolus obstruction was encountered in 2 patients (1.4%) and was treated by endoscope removal. No perforation occurred in all patients.CONCLUSION: Frequent complications after stent placement for benign stricture of the gastrointestinal tract include pain,reflux, bleeding, restenosis, stent migration and food-bolus obstruction. They can be treated by drugs, the second stent placement or gastroscopic procedures according to the specific conditions.
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