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新闻出版总署署长龙新民在2007年全国新闻出版(版权)局长会议上的讲话中,在强调“牢牢把握正确舆论导向,扎实推进和谐文化建设”的同时,要求从“走下去”、“走开去”、“走出去”三方面努力,大力推动新闻出版业的繁荣发展。所谓“走下去”,就是要新闻出版业面向基层,面向群众,使报刊、图书进工厂,进农家,进社区,进院校;所谓“走开去”,就是要扩大出版物的阅读人群,大力倡导“全民阅读活动”;所谓“走出去”,就是要扩大中国出版物在世界市场的份额。这“三走”和党中央对新闻工作的“三贴近”原则是一致的。以“三走”促进“三贴近”新春伊始,许多媒体就实施了“走下去”工程,而且边“走”边“思考”,有了良好的开端。为此,我们就“三走”这一话题,组织了人民铁道报、河南工人日报、河南石油报等新闻媒体的老总及编采人员的体会文章,现集中发表,以飨读者。 In his speech at the meeting of the director of the National Press and Publication (Copyright) in 2007, Long Xinmin, director of General Administration of Press and Publication, stressed that “firmly grasp the correct direction of public opinion and promote the construction of a harmonious culture” at the same time, Go away “and” go global “, and vigorously promote the prosperity and development of the press and publishing industry. The so-called ”going down“ means that the press and publishing industry should face the grassroots, face the masses, enable newspapers and periodicals and books to go into factories, enter farms and enter communities, and go to colleges and universities. The so-called ”going away“ means expanding the reading population of publications, Vigorously advocate ”reading activities for all“; the so-called ”going out“ is to expand the share of Chinese publications in the world market. This principle of ”three walks“ coincides with the principle of ”three closeness“ of the party Central Committee on press work. With the ”three walks“ to promote the ”three close“ At the beginning of the Spring Festival, many media organizations implemented the ”Going Global“ project and made a good start by ”thinking“ while walking. Therefore, on the topic of ”three walks of life", we organized articles on the experiences of the veterans and editors of the People’s Railway, Henan Daily, Henan Petroleum News and other news media, and published them in concentrated fashion to readers.
摘 要:现代的科技发展日新月异,遍布各个领域,因此教育领域一样与传统的教学有了很大不同,能够使小学英语教师在信息化环境下进行教学,提高小学英语教师教学时的输出效率与小学生学习时的输入效率。信息化环境下只要不是过于偏远的地方都能够联通世界,农村学校也能够获取到足够的信息和知识。信息化环境给农村小学英语教师的教学带来了相当大的改变,一方面减轻了小学英语教师的教学工作量,另一方面也能够提高小学英语教师的
采用高效液相色谱法,以乙腈、水为流动相,以Inertsil ODS-3色谱柱和二极管阵列检测器,在254 nm波长下对400 g/L二噻农·肟菌酯悬浮剂中的二噻农和肟菌酯进行定量分析.结果表