Simulation of high velocity compaction of powder in a two dimension mould using lattice Boltzmann me

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyunlong
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This work presents a numerical study on the dynamic high velocity compaction of the metal powder. The analysis of the process is based on a mesoscopic approach using multi-speed lattice Boltzmann method. The boundary condition and the relaxation time are tailored to the situation. The dynamic compaction process is vividly presented and the shock wave can be easily found in the simulation. The density is analyzed in order to explore the mechanism of the high velocity compaction. This work presents a numerical study on the dynamic high velocity compaction of the metal powder. The analysis of the process is based on a mesoscopic approach using multi-speed lattice Boltzmann method. The boundary condition and the relaxation time are tailored to the situation. dynamic compaction process is vividly presented and the shock wave can be easily found in the simulation. The density is analyzed in order to explore the mechanism of the high velocity compaction.
骆驼说:“个子高多好!瞧我多高呀!”  听到这话的猪说:“个子矮多好!瞧我多矮呀!”  骆驼说:“喔,我要是不能证明我所说的话是真理,我就不要我的驼峰了。”  猪说:“我要是不能证明我说的话是真理,我就不要我的猪嘴了。”  他们来到一个被矮墙围起来的园子,围墙没有任何出入的门口。骆驼站在墙的这边,借助自己的长脖子够到里面的植物,吃了一顿早餐。猪一直站在墙底下,甚至连园子里的好东西都看不到。然后,骆
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一、临床资料患者 ,男性 ,62岁 ,歼击机退休飞行员。1976年 1月体检时心电图出现房性早搏。同年 6月因心动过缓 (4 0~ 60次 / min)住院。入院检查 :血压 12 0 / 70mm Hg(1mm H
本文讨论了魏晋时期的文艺和思想特征,认为它是个具有诗意和追求信仰的 时代,它在文艺史上的意义在于突出了文本自主性,关于人的理解方面,它强调人的形体 的独立意义,由此,女性形象