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朱德是伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家和军事家,是中国人民解放军的主要缔造者之一,有“红军之父”之称。南昌起义军在广东失败后,朱德以非凡的英雄气概和革命胆略,率领起义军余部,冲破千难万险,转战千里,奔赴井冈山与毛泽东率领的秋收起义部队胜利会师,谱写了中国共产党创建人民军队的第一个光辉篇章。一、冲破艰难险阻,为人民军队保存了革命火种1927年8月1日,朱德与周恩来等中国共产党人一起,为挽救革命, Zhu De is a great proletarian revolutionary, statesman and military strategist. He is one of the major founders of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and is known as the “Father of the Red Army.” Nanchang rebel forces in Guangdong after the defeat, Zhu De extraordinary heroism and revolutionary courage, led the rebel army to the rest, breaking through the difficulties and dangers, fought thousands of miles, went to Jinggangshan and Mao Zedong led the Autumn Harvest Uprising triumphant division, wrote the Chinese Communist Party to create people The first glorious chapter of the army. I. Breaking Through Difficulties and Arduous Aspects, Saving the Revolution for the People’s Army On August 1, 1927, together with other Chinese Communists, such as Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and his party saved the revolution,
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