
来源 :治淮 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveqwg
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淮河今年出现三次大洪峰,沿淮低洼地内涝严重。由于洪涝灾害发生在小麦开始收割季节,有的尚未收割,有的虽已抢割,但仍堆在场上,以致发芽霉变,因而午季失收,灾情十分严重。将洪、涝灾害分开来看,涝灾损失远大于洪灾损失。沿淮一般地区的除涝标准仅3~5年一遇,遇到这样几十年一遇的雨情自然抵御不了。现在大家都认为今后淮河治理一定要防洪与除涝相结合,这是必然的。但是提高除涝标准需逐步去办,也要有重点。如淮北泥黑河地区,它关系煤炭、电力、铁路正常生产,应早走一步,把停建的芦 The Huaihe River has seen three major flood peaks this year, with serious waterlogging in the low-lying areas along the Huaihe River. As the disaster occurred in the wheat harvest season, some have not yet been harvested, some have robbed, but still piled on the ground, resulting in mildew, so the loss of mid-season, the disaster is very serious. Separation floods and waterlogging disasters, waterlogging losses far greater than the loss of floods. The waterlogging standard along the general area of ​​Huaihe River is only 3 to 5 years old. In the event of such a rainstorm of several decades, a rainstorm naturally can not be resisted. Now we all think that in the future Huaihe River management must combine flood control and waterlogging removal, which is inevitable. However, improving waterlogging standards should be gradually carried out, but also have the focus. Such as the Heihe River in Huaibei area, it is related to coal, electricity, railway normal production, should go one step earlier, the construction of the reed
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