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做法点评:人员多、劳动生产率低、人工成本过高等,一直是制约国有大中型企业发展和提高市场竞争力的“瓶颈”。如何走出困境,武钢通过开展以主辅分离、辅业改制和减员增效为重点内容的企业内部改革,积极推进转岗再就业工程,促进了企业发展,妥善分流安置了富余人员,走出了一条深化国有大中型企业改革的新路子。武钢的做法给了我们以下几点启示:一是企业实行主辅分离应抓住主要环节,并分步骤渐次推进。武钢在总体改革思路明确的前提下,将改革目标分成实行承包经营、实行法人委托授权经营和实行法人资产经营三个阶段实施,每个阶段都采取了切实可行的措施,并力求取得实效。这种做法既体现了改革的力度,又考虑到职工和社会的承受能力,有利于改革的顺利进行。二是实行主辅分离、辅业改制,关键要做好下岗分流人员的再就业工作。武钢在实行主辅分离和辅业改制工作中,深入推进转岗再就业工程,通过深入挖掘企业内部潜力,发展多种经营,开辟多种渠道,积极帮助下岗分流人员实现再就业。主要在企业内部妥善安置了下岗分流人员,不仅使他们实现了再就业,而且减轻了对社会再就业的压力。实践证明,国有大中型企业通过主辅分离和辅业改制分流安置富余人员,是一种有效的举措。三是深化企业改革,要特别关注弱势群体。武钢通过建立扶贫、职工互助补充保险、残疾人和离退休职工帮困等多项基金,采取为特困职工减免房租和子女学杂费,领导干部和专职再就业管理人员与下岗职工结对子等措施,帮助职工解决实际困难。既体现了企业对职工的关怀,也为企业顺利改革创造了条件。武钢的做法,值得国有大中型企业研究、借鉴。 Comments on practices: more personnel, lower labor productivity, and higher labor costs have always been the “bottleneck” restricting the development of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises and enhancing their market competitiveness. How to get out of the dilemma, WISCO actively promoted the re-employment of re-employment projects, promoted the development of enterprises, decentralized placement of redundant personnel and stepped out of a deepened system by carrying out internal reforms focusing on the separation of major and minor employees, restructuring of auxiliary enterprises and downsizing and efficiency enhancement. New Ways for the Reform of State-owned Large and Medium-sized Enterprises. WISCO's practice gives us the following enlightenment: First, the separation of primary and secondary enterprises should seize the main part, and step by step gradually advancing. Under the premise of a clear reform of the overall plan, Wugang divided the reform objectives into three phases: the implementation of contractual management, the commission of authorized management by legal persons and the operation of legal person assets. At each stage, Wugang adopted feasible measures and made every effort to achieve actual results. Such an approach reflects both the intensity of reform and the affordability of workers and society and is conducive to the smooth progress of the reform. Second, the implementation of separation of primary and secondary, auxiliary industry restructuring, the key to well laid off diversion of re-employment. In implementing the separation of main and auxiliary businesses and the reform of auxiliary businesses, WISCO further promoted the re-employment and re-employment projects. Through in-depth excavation of the potential within the enterprise, diversified operations were developed and various channels were opened to help re-employment of laid-off and diverted workers. The proper placement of laid-off workers mainly within the enterprises not only enables them to achieve re-employment but also reduces the pressure on social reemployment. Practice has proved that it is an effective measure for large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises to divert redundant personnel through the separation of major and minor businesses and the reform of auxiliary industries. Third, to deepen the reform of enterprises, paying special attention to vulnerable groups. Through such measures as poverty alleviation, supplementary insurance for employees, assistance for the handicapped and retirees, WISCO adopted such measures as reducing rent and expenses for children of special needs and tuition and fees of leading cadres and full-time reemployed managers and laid-off workers, Help workers to solve practical difficulties. Not only embodies the concern of the staff of enterprises, but also for the smooth establishment of enterprises to create the conditions. WISCO's practice deserves to be researched and borrowed from the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises.
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