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1907年,由中国戏剧工作者自编自演的五幕新剧《黑奴吁天录》的上演,标志着中国话剧的诞生。从那一刻起,中国话剧就把自己的命运与民族独立、人民解放和国家富强、人民幸福紧紧联系在了一起。在近代文化启蒙和五四新文化运动中,话剧成为反帝反封建、激励民族斗志、警醒国民意识的战斗号角。在争取民族独立、人民解放的峥嵘岁月里,进步话剧工作者深入农村、工矿、学校、街头,深入炮火纷飞的战场,创作和演出了一大批具有革命性和战斗性的话剧作品,为振奋民族精神、凝聚民族力量发挥了重要作用。 In 1907, the staged performance of the five new plays “Black Siren” by Chinese theatrical workers marked the birth of Chinese drama. From that moment, Chinese drama put its own destiny closely linked with national independence, the liberation of the people, the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people. In the modern cultural enlightenment and the May Fourth New Culture Movement, drama became the battle horn against imperialism and feudalism, encouraging national morale and arousing the awareness of the nation. In the proud years of striving for national independence and the liberation of the people, the progressive theater workers have been deepening their efforts in the battlefields of rural areas, factories and mines, schools, streets and in the artillery turmoil, creating and performing a large number of revolutionary and militant drama works, National spirit, unite national forces has played an important role.
Steam Pot Chicken hrst became popular in southern Yunnan Province during a visit to the region by Emperor Qianlong(1711-1799).Legend has it that the dish was cr
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高层建筑的防火设计,应引起足够重视。本文仅就其中疏散楼梯的设计问题进行初步探讨。 在高层建筑中,平时的垂直交通运输主要是通过电梯来进行的。但在火灾时,除消防电梯外