
来源 :四川戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huoshu
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文艺宣传对于红军长征的胜利,有着重要作用。著名红军文艺战士,杰出的红色戏剧家、歌唱家和舞蹈家李伯钊,曾先后参加红一、二、四方面军三大主力的长征,在行军中主要从事文艺宣传组织和表演工作,在长征中创作了许多脍炙人口、鼓舞士气的优秀文艺作品,并在新中国时期创作了两部大型长征文艺作品歌剧《长征》、话剧《北上》,对宣传长征历史和长征精神作出了杰出贡献。李伯钊在长征文化史上占有重要的一席之地,其长征文艺宣传成就和创作艺术,值得学界重视和深入研究。 Literary and artistic propaganda plays an important role in the victory of the Long March of the Red Army. Famous Red Army literary and art warrior, outstanding red drama, singer and dancer Li Bazhao, who has participated in the Long March of the three main forces of the Red Army, the Second and Fourth Corps, mainly engaged in literary propaganda organizations and performances in the march and created works in the Long March Created many excellent works of literature and art that have won universal praise and boosted morale and created two major Long March operas in the New China period. The drama “Go North” made outstanding contributions to propagating the history of the Long March and the spirit of the Long March. Li Bazhao occupies an important place in the history of the Long March culture. The achievements and creative arts of the Long March literature and arts deserve academic attention and in-depth study.
’ l。, t’, ’’, t。, t’, I, ’’, I’, I’, I’, I’, 男子 100米 10.24/阿尔萨法尔/沙特阿拉伯 10.29/朝原宣治/日本 i0.34/陈海健/中国 i0.35/科尔诺夫/哈萨克斯坦
张永康 ,男 ,195 0年 4月 2 9日生 ,江苏省溧阳市人 ,1975年 7月毕业于南京大学 ,1992年 8月毕业于中央党校 ,先后学习地质学、经济学。教授级高级工程师 ,南京大学兼职教授
The transparent semiconductors of Ti and Ga-incorporated ZnO(TGZO) thin films were prepared by radio frequency(RF) magnetron sputtering onto glass substrates. T
(一)地理区位比较 1.区位条件。福建海岸线长3324公里,在历史上是“海上丝绸之路”和“郑和下西洋”的重要起点和商贸集散地,福州、厦门曾被辟为全国五个通商口岸之一。 山
如今 ,随便问一位青年朋友 :“你愿意默默无闻地在平凡中度过一生吗 ?”答案几乎都是否定的 !岁月如梭 ,时间的巨轮已经驶入二十一世纪 ,有人说 ,这是一个崇尚张扬个性、表现