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可再生能源是世界各国应对能源短缺和气候变化的战略性选择。当前我国能源结构不合理,呈现出以煤炭为主、石油进口依赖度过高、可再生能源比重显著偏低的特点。北欧地区是世界上可再生能源发展和利用最好的区域之一,可以为我国的可再生能源发展和利用提供有价值的参考。北欧四国——丹麦、瑞典、芬兰和挪威的人均可再生能源利用量领先全球,能源依赖度均低于欧盟均值,而且四国均已提前实现了2020年可再生能源发展目标,可再生能源在各应用领域均表现突出。北欧四国可再生能源发展的各项指标均显著领先于欧盟均值,但能源依赖度和行业可再生能源利用比例在四国间差异较大。北欧四国取得的成功,首先得益于政府的推动和政策的支持,不论是欧盟还是北欧,都在致力于通过一系列完善的政策措施来促进其可再生能源的发展和利用;其次是拥有领先的可再生能源利用技术;第三是因地制宜,差异化利用可再生能源。我国应继续完善可再生能源发展相关政策,加强可再生能源生产技术的引进、研究和推广,同时,在加强和促进我国可再生能源发展时一定要注意因地制宜、有的放矢。 Renewable energy is a strategic choice for countries around the world to deal with energy shortages and climate change. At present, China’s energy structure is irrational, and it is characterized by coal-based, excessive dependence on oil imports, and a significantly lower proportion of renewable energy. The Nordic region is one of the best regions in the world for the development and utilization of renewable energy, and can provide valuable reference for the development and utilization of renewable energy in China. The four Nordic nations - Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway - are leading the world in per capita renewable energy use, and their energy dependence is lower than the EU average, and all four countries have achieved the 2020 renewable energy development target ahead of schedule. The application areas are outstanding. All indicators of renewable energy development in the four Nordic countries are significantly ahead of the EU average, but the energy dependence and the proportion of renewable energy in the industry vary greatly among the four countries. The success of the Nordic countries has benefited from the government’s promotion and policy support. Both the EU and the Nordic countries are committed to promoting the development and utilization of renewable energy through a series of comprehensive policies and measures; The use of renewable energy technologies; the third is based on local conditions, the differential use of renewable energy. China should continue to improve policies related to the development of renewable energy, strengthen the introduction, research, and promotion of renewable energy production technologies. At the same time, we must pay attention to local conditions and target when strengthening and promoting the development of renewable energy in China.