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滑坡是最常见的一种地质灾害,其主要诱因是降雨。滑坡灾害多发生在雨量充沛地域或洪水季节。南京市受自然环境和地质环境的影响,滑坡是其最主要的地质灾害类型之一,为了有效地预测滑坡的发生情况并最大限度地减少滑坡灾害为南京带来的损失,本文在已有的南京市地质灾害易发区等研究的成果上,结合南京市历史滑坡数据、气象资料和地质灾害预测数学模型构建了南京市滑坡灾害预测方法并确定了南京市滑坡灾害预测预报技术流程。在该预测方法和技术流程的基础上,本文同时应用了数据库技术、ArcGIS Server技术、AJAX远程调用技术、网页局部刷新技术和地图缓存技术等,融合地理信息系统功能与滑坡灾害预测预报业务功能,开发了南京市滑坡灾害预测预报信息共享平台。该平台可以对滑坡灾害基础数据和实时气象数据动态、科学地管理,结合南京市实时降雨数据可实现滑坡灾害预测预报并将灾害信息实时在线发布,同时提供对滑坡灾害信息的查询、检索、统计分析等功能,最终通过该信息共享平台,为南京市滑坡灾害的防灾减灾提供决策支持,为其他需要建立滑坡灾害预测信息共享平台的城市提供参考。 Landslides are the most common geological disasters, the main cause is rainfall. Landslide hazards occur mostly in abundant rainfall or flood season. Nanjing is affected by the natural environment and the geological environment. Landslide is one of the most important types of geological disasters. In order to effectively predict the landslide occurrence and minimize the landslide disasters caused by Nanjing, Based on the research results of Nanjing area, such as landslide susceptibility area and Nanjing landslide disaster data, meteorological data and geological disasters prediction mathematical model, a landslide disaster prediction method in Nanjing city is constructed and the technical process of landslide hazard prediction and forecasting in Nanjing is established. Based on the forecasting method and technical process, this paper also applies database technology, ArcGIS Server technology, AJAX remote calling technology, webpage partial refresh technology and map cache technology to integrate GIS function and landslide hazard prediction and forecasting business functions, Developed Nanjing landslide disaster prediction and forecast information sharing platform. The platform can dynamically and scientifically manage the basic data of landslide disaster and real-time meteorological data, combine with the real-time rainfall data in Nanjing to realize the landslide disaster forecasting and forecasting, and release the disaster information online in real time, at the same time, provide the inquiry, search and statistics of landslide disaster information Analysis and other functions. Finally, this information sharing platform will provide decision-making support for disaster prevention and mitigation of landslides in Nanjing and provide references for other cities that need to establish a platform for sharing landslide hazard prediction information.
反腐倡廉前沿问题系列报道之一  制定一部长期稳定、科学有效的专门法律,以使反腐败工作在法治的轨道上进行,并受到法律的保障    编者按  2006年12月25日,中共中央政治局召开会议,分析当前党风廉政建设和反腐败工作形势,会议指出,2006年党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争取得了新进展新成效,同时也要看到,当前一些领域的腐败现象仍然比较严重,一些损害群众利益的突出问题还没有从根本上得到解决,反腐倡廉任务
一、多项选择  1. The little girl treated herself so strictly in the training that her coach gave her the , of taking leave whenever she wanted.  A. commitment B. privilege  C. convenience D. advantage  2. Y
摘要:系统科学是信息时代人们认识世界和改造世界的方法论。研究事物系统性的科学是系统论。课堂教学是一个整体,也可构成不同的系统。我们试图运用系统科学理论,打开课堂教学改革之窗,为一线教师深入教学改革的深水区探路提供便利,获得有益的启示。  关键词:系统科学;改革;启示  中图分类号:G420文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)03-003-3英语系统教学就是运用系统科学理论的观点
一、多项选择  1. It is amazing that many sea animals such as dolphins can_________ high speeds in water which man cannot yet match.  A. decline B. accelerate  C. reduce D. attain  2. Aunt Mary is really____