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一、前言潜热蓄热器最早出现在十九世纪末期,在1880年左右西欧就有了以NaOH为蓄热介质的渡船与火车机车。但在以后的近百年中潜热蓄热技术的发展一直相当缓慢。只是从本世纪70年代初期起,由于世界性的能源短缺,才引起了科技界、工业界广泛的兴趣重视,并相应投入了大量的科研力量进行研究与技术开发。目前在一些工业发达国家中,潜热蓄热器已向商品化方向发展,国内在这方面所做的工作不多,且大部分是实验室的基础研究。二、潜热蓄热技术的研究潜热蓄热器,以某种相变材料——PCM作为蓄热介质,利用其在固-液相变过程中 I. Introduction Latent heat accumulators first appeared in the late nineteenth century. In 1880, there were ferries and train locomotives with NaOH as the heat storage medium in Western Europe. However, the development of latent heat storage technology has been quite slow in the following hundred years. Only from the early 1970s onwards, due to the worldwide energy shortage, has aroused widespread interest in science and technology and industry, and correspondingly invested a great deal of research and development efforts in research and technology. At present, in some industrialized countries, the latent heat accumulator has been commercialized, and the domestic work done in this respect is not much, and most of them are the basic research in the laboratory. Second, the study of latent heat storage technology Latent heat accumulator to a phase change material - PCM as a heat storage medium, the use of its solid-liquid phase change process
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