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  W hen you tap open the AsterRide app to hail a taxi, you’ll see something a bit different from other ride-hailing apps: a feature called InstaAlert.1 It’s designed to help passengers notify friends or family that they’re in a taxi and to send an update once the rider arrives at a destination in one piece2.
  AsterRide is marketing itself as a safe alternative in the ride-hailing industry.3 Its timing is auspicious—Uber, taxis and other ride-for-hire rivals have made headlines around the world over some of their drivers allegedly engaging in sexual assaults, kidnappings and beatings.4
  Ride-hailing apps—like Uber, Lyft and Flywheel—let passengers use a smartphone to hail a taxi, black-car service or a personal driver using their own car. The companies behind these apps are aiming to convince passengers that the rides they hail are safe. But it’s a hard sell5. Though these companies say safety is their top priority, nearly every week there’s a new story detailing a driver’s alleged offense against a passenger.
  AsterRide and a few others, including Shuddle, are part of a growing reaction to assuage customers’ concerns.6 They’re beefing up safety features in their apps, such as adding panic buttons and passenger tracking, and they’re also looking to create more-secure services with heightened driver background checks and all-female driver fleets.7 It’s unclear how many of these features will become industry standards, but they do represent a turning point in intensified attention to safety.

  “Rider safety is becoming a paramount concern with users of app-based ride-sharing services,” said Tejas Mehta, an analyst with Parks Associates, a market research firm that specializes in emerging consumer technology products.8 “This has created an opening for competitors such as AsterRide and Flywheel.”
  AsterRide launched in November 2013 by offering a similar service to its competitors: Passengers tap on a smartphone app that can hail a taxi or black-car service to take them to their location. But unlike its competitors, AsterRide aims to give customers peace of mind by promising to alert friends and family that they’re on their way.
  So far, its service is only in Phoenix, Ariz., but it will be expanding to cities in Florida, Illinois, California and other locations in a few months, the company says. Flywheel has a similar service in several California cities and in Seattle, Wash. Both AsterRide and Flywheel work only with existing taxi and black-car companies.   AsterRide is small potatoes compared with Uber, which is flush with nearly $5 billion in funding and operates its service in more than 250 cities around the world.9 So AsterRide is aiming to get a competitive edge10 by focusing on safety.

  Seth Rudin, AsterRide’s CEO, said he chose to focus on safety after he spoke to several women traveling with their children.“Every time they got in a cab they didn’t feel comfortable,” he said. He’d heard that some people were trying to protect themselves by snapping11 a photo of the taxi driver’s license and sending it to friends. Rudin modeled his InstaAlert feature on this idea.
  Passengers can set up InstaAlert to notify certain people whenever they request a ride, and then these people will get texts or emails when the ride starts and ends. The app also shows pickup and drop-off locations, along with real-time GPS tracking of the ride, driver’s name, car type, license plate12 and taxi registration ID numbers.
  At the end of the ride, the app asks the passenger to verify13 that they arrived safely at their destination. If the passenger says no or doesn’t respond, AsterRide will contact the passenger’s family members or friends and urge them to call for help.
  Uber has been in the spotlight for a string of incidents allegedly perpetrated by its drivers.14 Various media outlets have reported alleged rape, sexual harassment and groping in Washington D.C., Chicago and Orlando, Fla.15 An Uber driver in India was accused of beating and raping a passenger, prompting16 officials to ban the service in the country’s capital of New Delhi.
  A few Uber drivers have also allegedly brandished knives and guns, and punched, choked and beaten passengers,17 according to several media reports.
  Uber said it is trying to fix the problem by exploring new methods to screen drivers, including biometrics, voice verification and possibly even polygraph exams.18 The company also said it was looking into ways to let passengers“communicate with us and their loved ones in the event of an emergency.”

  Already, Uber can track every ride with GPS, and its app shows passengers the driver’s photo, license plate number and vehicle type. Riders can also share their estimated time of arrival with friends and family, including a map of their trip in progress.
Learning gender roles from movies and TV shows has real consequences on kids’ self-esteem and relationships.  孩子從影视节目中了解到的性别角色划分确实会影响其自尊和人际关系。  Gender stereotypes are messing with your kid. It’s not j
W ork. The modern fetish1. No previous age has been so enthralled2, or longed for more, rather than less, work to do. No other people have imagined nothing better for their posterity3 than the eternal
他曾怀揣600美元独闯华尔街,与索罗斯共创量子基金,利润率一度高达3300%。在之后长达20余年的独立投资生涯中,他曾两次环球旅行,投资足迹达至葡萄牙、奥地利、德国、新加坡、巴西、中国等十数个国家。他善于做长线投资,并且每次都能获利颇丰,除了在年轻时曾犯过一次严重的投资错误,此后他几乎没有再“失足”过——这个被誉为天才投资大师的人就是吉姆·罗杰斯      成功者和普通人的根本区别也许就在于,前者
乘坐新航体验奢华享受  新加坡航空公司近日宣布:搭乘新加坡航空公司的航班,可体验由意大利著名设计师Salvatore Ferragamo设计的头等舱新产品的不同凡响。Salvatore Ferragamo设计室与新航合作,专门为新航头等舱乘客设计了新的便携式旅行盥洗包。  此款豪华客舱必备品包括印有Salvatore Ferragamo闪亮签名的Incanto香水,该香水以迷人的花香和果香为基调。
员工都很希望被加薪,而且幅度自然越大越好;但是对于企业来说,如何能够用最小成本获得最大激励,这是很现实的问题    俗话说年关难过。对于每个企业的人力资源经理来说,员工年底调薪是很头疼也很重要的事情——对于员工来说,都很希望被加薪,而且幅度自然越大越好;但是对于企业来说,如何能够用最小成本获得最大激励,这也是很现实的问题。  年底调薪涉及到员工和企业的切身利益,如果处理不当,就会打击员工士气,造成
最近翻看《牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第9版)》,在第67页看到这样一个句子:  I like city life but there are cities and cities. 我喜歡城市生活,但城市之间也有差异。  请注意词典对后一个分句的翻译。乍一看,我们很容易将“cities and cities”译为“城市和城市”,但明显又逻辑不通。从形式上看,它是两个相同名词由and连接而成的词组;从意义
城市薪酬差异系数代表了城市整体薪酬水平,反映的也是城市间整体薪酬水平的关系    受中国各地经济发展不同水平的影响和限制,各地区间薪酬水平有着较大的差距。为鼓励员工接受在中国境内的流动,企业针对不同的地区、不同的城市制定不同的薪酬方案。为帮助企业更加直观、准确的了解中国各地的薪酬水平以及之间的差异,太和顾问特制定城市薪酬差异系数(CDI)的概念。  城市薪酬差异系数(CDI),将有利于企业在制定薪
欧洲每年的复活节庆祝活动都能吸引来自世界各地的游客,有信徒,也有非信徒;有成人,也有孩子;更有那些纯粹出于好奇心而前来的人们,那种热闹欢腾使人们几乎忘却了复活节的象征(巧克力蛋、野兔)来源于犹太基督教的历史。  在主要信奉基督教的欧洲,人们适逢复活节都要庆祝什么呢?这要回顾一下圣经故事。圣周四,耶稣与门徒共进最后的晚餐;圣周五,耶稣被判处死刑并被钉在十字架上而死,作为静思冥想的象征,钟声停止了敲响
摘 要:郝又明从事基础英语教育近50年,她既是一位英语名师,又是一位对教育有独特见解的校长。本文试图阐述郝又明的教育思想和教学实践,及其成果。郝又明认为,教育要以学生发展为本,首先要进行德育教育;教育要尊重个体差异;英语教学要遵循语言教学规律。为此,在教学实践中她对教学方法、教学模式、评价方式等方面都进行了改革和创新,不断实验并取得了优异的成绩。  关键词:教育思想;教学实践;教学效果简介  郝又
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