Modification effect of lanthanum on primary phase Mg_2Si in Mg-Si alloys

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangchun2000
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The modifying effect of La addition on primary phase Mg2Si in Mg-5Si alloys was investigated. The results showed that a proper amount of La could effectively modify the primary phase Mg2Si. Based on the present experiment, the optimal modification effect was ob- tained with an addition of about 0.5 wt.% La. The size of the primary phase Mg2Si was considerably reduced to 25 μm or less and the mor- phology was modified from a coarse dendritic shape to a polyhedral shape. However, when the addition of La increased to 0.8 wt.% or higher, the primary Mg2Si grew into a coarse dendritic morphology again. Moreover, it was found that some LaSi2 compounds were formed during solidification and the amount of the compounds appeared to increase gradually with increasing La content. The modifying effect of La addition on primary phase Mg2Si in Mg-5Si alloys was investigated. The results showed that a proper amount of La could effectively modify the primary phase Mg2Si. Based on the present experiment, the optimal modification effect was ob- tained with an addition of about 0.5 wt.% La. The size of the primary phase Mg2Si was dramatically reduced to 25 μm or less and the mor- phology was modified from a coarse dendritic shape to a polyhedral shape. to 0.8 wt.% or higher, the primary was Mg2Si grew into a coarse dendritic morphology again.
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