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在青山镇,李家大宅可算是响当当的标志。李家世世代代扎根在这里,根基颇深,可到了李乐天李老爷子这一代,却只剩下他独自一人,在老宅里独享晚年。说起对李家人的印象,青山镇的老老小小们,都会用两个字来形容——神秘!李家世代都深居简出,不与外人来往。可不知为何,李家在短短几代内,累积了庞大的身家。李乐天是青山镇仅存的李家人。年轻时,虽然娶了好几房妻妾,但生下的一男一女,都在幼年时夭折。后来,不管如何设法,始终无所出。如今,年纪大 Castle Peak town, Li house can be regarded as ringing sign. Lee generation generations rooted here, deep foundation, but to the Lee Lotte Li Father generation, but only he alone, exclusive old age in the old house. Speaking of the impression of the Lee family, Castle Peak town of the old and the young, will use two words to describe - the mysterious! Li Dynasty generations are living in Jane out, not with outsiders. I do not know why, in just a few generations, Lee accumulated a huge net worth. Li Lotte Castle is the only surviving Lee family. When young, although married several wives and concubines, but gave birth to a man and a woman, all died at an early age. Later, no matter how you try, always nothing. Today, older
When first chosen as the venue of the 29th SummerOlympic Games in 2001, the city of Beijing was filled with im-mense joy and excitement. Local residents felt th
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