
来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyz118
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国务院颁布《全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例》,标志着我国企业改革进入新的阶段。坚决地、不折不扣地贯彻实施《条例》,加快转换企业经营机制,使企业从政府怀抱扑向市场海洋,对于建立和完善社会主义市场经济,及早实现计划与市场、国内市场与国际市场接轨,促进国民经济登上新台阶具有极为重要的意义。现在,上至中央部委、下至地方政企单位,通过对《条例》的反复学习,都把贯彻实施《条例》当作一件关系经济全局和巩固社会 The promulgation by the State Council of the Regulations on the Conversion of Industrial Enterprises under the Ownership System indicates that the reform of our country’s enterprises has entered a new stage. Resolutely and unswervingly implement the “Regulations”, expedite the transformation of business operation mechanism so that enterprises from the government embrace the market ocean, for the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economy, as soon as possible to achieve the planning and market, the domestic market and the international market It is of vital importance to integrate the economy and promote the national economy to a new level. Now, from the central ministries and commissions to the local government and enterprise units, through the repeated study of the “Regulations,” they have all regarded the implementation of the “Regulations” as a framework for the overall economic relations and the consolidation of the society
磨内孔时应注意的问题资料汇集 1.磨孔时,不准砂轮离开孔,否则,会使孔成喇叭形。 2.主轴与轴承摩擦正常温度允许为40℃;每班须加油四次。 3.加工孔时砂轮的选择: 5.有键槽时
“BIENVOULOIR”与“VOULOIRBIEN”上海庄祥福“Bienvouloir”与“vouloirbien”,从它们的结构形式来看,都是由相同副词和动词组成。不过前者是副词在前,动词在后;而后者则相反。在用它们造句的时候,它们经常被置于那些... “B
影响加工表面光度的有各种因素。润滑的冷却火不过是其中之一。苏联科学研究学会对于润滑的冷却液的功效,会做过多次试验,兹介绍试验的内容于下: (一)用三种不同钢,(a)С .3
The networked control system NCS is regarded as a sampled control system with output time-variant delay. White noise is considered in the model construction of