农机公司办技术夜校 职工业务很快提高

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为适应农业机械化事业发展的需要,在揭批林彪、“四人帮”的伟大斗争中,山西省武乡县农机公司党支部认真总结了过去因林彪、“四人帮”干扰破坏,不少干部职工不懂技术、瞎指挥的沉痛教训,并根据各种农机具品种、规格不断增加的情况和公司业务特点,把搞好农机供应工作和加强对职工技术业务学习的领导结合起来,以办技术夜校为主,帮助干部职工提高业务水平和服务质量,收到了良好的效果,促进了农机供应工作的发展.该公司去年甩掉了亏损帽子,四大经济指标全创历史最好水平. 他们把办好技术夜校列入了党支部的议事日程,由一名支委具体抓,确定三名有业务专长的老师傅讲 In order to meet the needs of the development of the agricultural mechanization industry, in the great struggle to expose and criticize Lin Biao and the “gang of four,” the party branch of Wuxiang County Agricultural Machinery Company of Shanxi Province seriously summed up the interference and destruction caused by Lin Biao and the “gang of four” The cadres and workers do not understand the painful lessons learned from the technical and blind instructions and, in the light of the ever-increasing variety of agricultural equipment and specifications and the business characteristics of the company, combine the promotion of agricultural machinery supply with the leadership of staff and workers in technical business studies, Technology evening school-based, to help cadres and workers to improve their business standards and service quality, received good results, and promote the development of agricultural machinery supply.The company last year to get rid of the loss of hat, four economic indicators the best record of its history. To do a good job of evening school included in the party branch agenda, by a branch specifically arrested to determine the three business expertise of the master speak
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那么100只老鼠要在100分钟之内抓完的话,至少需要多少只猫呢?  用不着那么心急嘛,老伯,答案是5只猫啦!
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本文阐述了企业集团财务控制相关理论概述,分析了企业集团财务控制的必要性,探讨了企业集团财务控制模式与影响因素,以其为有关财务管理工作者提供参考。 This article elab