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两年来,我校发挥农村学校土地资源丰富的优势,变荒地为宝地,走过了一条从统一种植到承包到班,从建立基地到学科拓展的课程开发与建设之路。其间,经历过观点的冲突、前行的困惑、理念的冲击和思想的焦虑,最终,凭借不懈的努力和实践,从茫然的摸索到自信的前行,我校在“蔬香乐园”的课程建设上迈开了步伐,提升了学校的课程领导力。春日的蔬香乐园阳光和煦,清风拂面。师生们徜徉其中,有的在饭后闲庭信步,交谈学习心语;有的在 In the past two years, our school has taken the advantages of rural school land rich in resources and turned wasteland into treasure. It has gone through a course of curriculum development and construction from the unified planting to the contracting to classes and the establishment of bases to disciplines. In the meantime, experienced the conflict of ideas, the perplexity of front, the impact of ideology and the anxiety of thoughts, finally, with unremitting efforts and practice, from a loss to explore the confidence of the forward, our school The pace of curriculum construction has taken steps to improve the school’s curriculum leadership. Spring in the vegetable fragrance paradise warm, breeze was blowing. Teachers and students wander among them, some strolling after dinner, talking to learn the heart language; some in
The insecticide cartap(CP) is non-fluorescent in aqueous solutions.This property makes its determination through direct fluorescent method difficult.In acidic m
下冲程有杆泵@冯耀忠 Down stroke rod pump @ Feng Yaozhong
<正> 三棱镜的光学特性,是物像经过三棱镜向底屈折,透过三棱镜观察物像则向尖端移位。因此它可以用来检查、诊断和治疗一些眼科疾患,尤其眼外肌疾患。在美国,三棱镜除用于隐
考虑了行星齿轮传动中的各种约束条件的模糊性,建立了行星齿轮传动机构的模糊优化数学模型,将模糊优化和普通优化两种结果进行了比较,表明模糊优化具有明显的优越性。 Consider
In the present study, two new diterpenoid lactones, 3-deoxy-andrographoside(1) and 14-deoxy-15-methoxy-andrographolide(2), were isolated from the aerial parts o