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The need for the development of new products and the growth of new industries is increasing on a global scale.The analysis of industrial growth processes of the recent past is useful not only to understand industrial behavior in the past but also for the development of future products.The Japanese camera and motorcycle industries had remarkable success globally after the WWⅡ.About 130 to 150 enterprises comprised in each industry in the 1950s,but only a limited number of companies survived through tough competition.However,the condition of the companies which survived is quite different for the two industries.The companies with lengthy experience survived in the camera industry. On the other hand,it was the newcomers who are successful in the motorcycle industry.In this paper we discuss the differences in the growing processes of both industries. The need for the development of new products and the growth of new industries is increasing on a global scale. The analysis of industrial growth processes of the recent past is useful not only to understand industrial behavior in the past but also for the development of future products. Japanese camera and motorcycle industries had remarkable success globally after the WWⅡ.About 130 to 150 enterprises comprised in each industry in the 1950s, but only a limited number of companies survived through tough competition.However, the condition of the companies which survived is quite different for the two industries.The companies with lengthy experience survived in the camera industry. On the other hand, it was the newcomers who are successful in the motorcycle industry.In. the differences in the growing processes of both industries.
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