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美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福的妻子埃莉诺.罗斯福是一位杰出的人权思想家。埃莉诺的人权思想主要包括男女平等、种族平等和社会公平三个方面的内容,其政治主张主要表现在妇女有权参与政治和国家应保障妇女的经济权利、黑人有权获得平等的法律和社会地位及日裔美国人有权享受平等的社会地位,强调社会公平应主要针对处于经济危机和战争年代的弱势群体以及教育平等、贫困家庭的社会保障和难民问题等。埃莉诺人权思想的形成与她的家庭环境、教育背景、工作经历以及当时的社会环境密切相关。在其30年的政治生涯中,埃莉诺致力于践行自己的人权思想,1946年参与制定了《世界人权宣言》,对美国和世界人权事业都做出了重要贡献。由于时代的局限,她的人权思想也有一些不足之处。 Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, is an outstanding human rights thinker. Eleanor’s ideas on human rights include three aspects: equality between men and women, racial equality and social fairness. His political ideas are mainly expressed in that women have the right to participate in politics and the state should guarantee the economic rights of women. Black people have equal access to law and Social status and Japanese-Americans are entitled to equal social status and emphasize that social equity should mainly target the vulnerable groups in the economic crisis and the war years as well as education equality, social security for poor families and refugees. The formation of Eleanor’s human rights thought is closely related to her family environment, educational background, working experience and social environment at that time. During his 30 years of political career, Eleanor devoted himself to practicing his own human rights thought. In 1946, he participated in the formulation of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” and made an important contribution to the cause of human rights in both the United States and the rest of the world. Due to the limitations of the times, her human rights thought also has some shortcomings.
You feel like an angel to me  And you fallen and broke your wings  It was never mind to last  You were just a ghost from the past  I thought you really couldbe real  That my heart was really to blame 
<正>Recently,a mechanism of hydrothermal sedimentation about a mantel-derived source was proposed to interpret the formation of lacustrine dolostone in the Cret
针对目前贫困山区县级医院普遍存在的病源来源少 ,地方财政投入不足 ,经营日渐困难的现状。我们通过对贫困山区群众的就医行为调查 ,以所得资料做一粗浅分析。并就贫困山区县
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2008年6月4日,贵州师范大学大礼堂成功举办了2004级本科毕业生毕业音乐会。覃春江、李芸、戴红屹、罗斌、梁秋进、粟钰、郭芳、梁元 June 4, 2008, Guizhou Normal Universi