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培养创新人才,不仅要教会学生运用新的科学知识,更要注重在探索新知识的教学过程中,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,树立创新意识,开发创新能力。强化问题意识,鼓励学生质疑问难。创新始于问题,提出新问题、或者从新的角度去思考老问题,常有新的发现与突破。学起于思,思源于疑。怀疑不仅是从消极方面辨伪去妄的必要步骤,也是从积极方面建设新学说,启迪新发明的基本条件。培养创新思维,启发学生大胆想象。创造性思维突破传统的陈规,提出新概念、运用新方法、做出新结论、推出新成果。想象是创造的翅膀,它使人们能够超越常规思维的约束,冲破现有知识经验的局限,以大胆、奇特的方式对所要解决的问题进行创造性思维和探索。 To cultivate innovative talents, we should not only teach students to apply new scientific knowledge, but also pay more attention to explore students’ innovative spirit and practical ability, establish innovative awareness and develop innovative ability. Strengthen awareness of problems and encourage students to ask questions. Innovation starts with problems, proposes new problems, or considers old problems from a new perspective, often with new discoveries and breakthroughs. Learning from thinking, thinking from doubt. Skepticism is not only a necessary step in judging truth from the negative aspects but also a basic condition for building a new theory from a positive perspective and enlightening new inventions. Cultivate innovative thinking, inspire students to boldly imagine. Creative thinking breaks through the traditional stereotypes, puts forward new concepts, applies new methods, makes new conclusions and launches new achievements. Imagination is the wings of creation. It enables people to transcend the constraints of conventional thinking, break through the limitations of existing knowledge and experience, and creatively explore and explore the problems to be solved in a bold and peculiar way.
在抗击SARS期间,学习了近260本规程,现就规程计量性能中存在的共性问题和规程体系建设问题,提出建议。不当之处请批评指正。1 用目测不能解决的量化指标的处理 很多规程在计
<正>对狂犬病Ⅲ度暴露者在常规使用狂犬病人免疫球蛋白(Human Rabies Immunoglobulin,HRIG)的基础上,探索了一些新用法,现简介如下。2004~2008年,芜湖市疾病预防控制中心狂犬