小流域综合治理 见成效时仅五年

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翁牛特旗桥头公社马架子大队坚持小流域综合治理,大干五年,取得显著成效。马架子大队地处干旱丘陵山区,耕地多为坡地,因雨量集中、多暴雨,使这里水土流失严重,侵蚀模数为3000吨/平方公里,每年流失表土十二万吨,水土流失面积占总面积的82.5%。特别是由于十年内乱的干扰破坏,农田基本建设差,毁草开荒,毁林开荒,造成山秃岭光,植被稀疏,气候干旱,土质瘠薄,粮食单产不过百斤,草场退化,农牧业生产发展缓慢,社员生活贫困。一九七九年秋季,马架子大队被列入全旗小流域治理的重点,在旗水利局、林业局等业务部门及公社的领 Wengniute Qiaotou commune horse shelf units adhere to the comprehensive management of small watershed, make a big five years and achieved remarkable results. Maucaizi Brigade is located in the mountainous area of ​​dry hills and hilly areas. Most of cultivated land is sloped. Due to the heavy rainfall and heavy rainfall, the erosion of soil and water is severe. The erosion modulus is 3,000 tons per square kilometer, and 120,000 tons of topsoil are lost every year. 82.5% of the area. In particular, due to the disturbances and disruptions caused by the civil unrest in the past 10 years, poor infrastructure for farmland, wasteland wasteland and land reclamation have led to the development of mountain bald patches of light with sparse vegetation, arid climate and poor soil quality. However, Production is slow and members are living in poverty. In the fall of 1979, the Horse Racket Brigade was included in the governance of the entire small watershed. At the bureau of the Flag Water Works Bureau, the Forestry Bureau and other business units and the commune
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