
来源 :森林防火 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sun11023024
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发生森林火灾后,首先要查清火因,弄清火灾发生的性质,追究引起森林火灾的责任及纵火分子,以及烧毁森林面积,林木损失程度,扑救火灾所造成的经济损失等都要详细调查,为准备定案提供材料。同时,也为研究森林火灾发生的规律,做好预防、扑救及恢复森林资源,提供科学依据。因此,搞好森林火因调查,是当前护林防火的一项重要工作。此项工作政策性和技术性都很强,需要进行细致复杂的调查,坚持三不放过的原则,即火因及损失未查清不放过;肇事者未做处理不放过;不采取有效改进措施不放 After a forest fire occurs, we must first investigate the cause of the fire, clarify the nature of the fire, investigate the responsibility for causing the forest fire and arson, as well as the area burned down by the forest, the degree of forest loss, and the economic losses caused by fighting the fire. , In order to prepare the case to provide material. At the same time, it also provides a scientific basis for studying the law of forest fires, preventing, fighting and recovering forest resources. Therefore, doing a good job of investigating forest fires is an important task for forest fire prevention at present. This work is very policy-oriented and technical in nature. It requires careful and complicated investigations and upholding the principle of three non-omissions. That is, the cause of fire and its losses have not been ascertained without letting go; the perpetrators have not left untreated; they have not taken effective measures Improve the measures hold
黄蛱蝶是我市苎麻上的主要害虫,每年都为害较重。为使麻农掌握此虫防治方法,确保苎麻的产量和品质,1985—1986年作者对黄蛱蝶的发生规律及其防治方法进行了观察研究。 Yell
几年来,我们连续在桃树上采取人工捉拿红颈天牛的方法,效果十分显著,其关键在于掌握捉拿适期. 经观察发现,每年“五一”前后,为幼虫大量为害期,此时大多数幼虫正在蛀食皮层,
平贝母(Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim)为常用的中药材。分布于东北三省,吉林省的通化、吉林、延边地区为平贝母主产区,各地均有大面积栽培。平贝母锈病是平贝母地上部为害
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通过对田间菜粉蝶卵的扩散指数和集聚度等测定,明确了菜粉蝶卵的空间分布型属于负二项分布。对于菜粉蝶卵取样方法的研究,可采用棋盘式或对角线五点取样,差异不显著。 Throu