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首先介绍了港口集装箱识别与定位技术的研究状况,然后总结了集无线传感器网络(WSN)和射频识别(RFID)两者优点于一体的WSID技术的研究状况,最后给出了一种港口集装箱快速设别与定位技术方案。 First of all, the research status of port container identification and location technology is introduced. Then the research status of WSID technology integrating the advantages of wireless sensor network (WSN) and radio frequency identification (RFID) is summarized. Finally, a port container fast Set up and positioning technology programs.
BACKGROUND Radiation recall dermatitis has been defined as the "recalling" by skin of previous radiation exposure in response to the administration of certain r
大数据时代下数字档案馆面临的机遇与挑战  陶水龙在《中国档案》2013年第10期撰文,指出大数据主要解决的是海量数据存储、计算、挖掘和展现的问题。因此,如何对档案“大数据”进行有效的获取、存储、加工和利用变得越来越紧迫。数字档案馆的核心是档案数字资源,这个资源则是由大数据构成。一是数字档案馆具有了大数据特征。其特征是,首先,档案数据的规模“大”;其次,档案数据的类型“繁”;最后,档案数据的价值“高
BACKGROUND Widening of the pubic joint of more than 10 mm is diagnostic and defined as pubic symphysis diastasis and is considered a complication of vaginal chi
BACKGROUND Oral-facial-digital syndrome type 1(OFD1) is a rare ciliopathy mainly with an Xlinked dominant pattern of inheritance, which is caused by mutations i
BACKGROUND Gastrointestinal stromal tumors(GISTs)originate from interstitial cells of Cajal.GISTs can occur anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract.Large lesi