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为促进海上风电产业健康发展,鼓励优先开发优质资源,6月17日,发改委出台《关于海上风电上网电价政策的通知》,制定了海上风电上网电价。国家发改委在制定并出台《关于海上风电上网电价政策的通知》中规定,对非招标的海上风电项目,区分潮间带风电和近海风电两种类型确定上网电价。2017年以前投运的潮间带风电项目含税上网电价为每千瓦时0.75元,近海风电项目含税上网电价为每千瓦时0.85元。2017年及以后投运的海上风电项目,将根据海上风电技术进步和项 In order to promote the healthy development of the offshore wind power industry and encourage the development of high quality resources, on June 17, the NDRC promulgated the “Circular on the Policy of Offshore Wind Power Pricing” and formulated the on-grid tariff of offshore wind power. National Development and Reform Commission in the development and promulgation of “Notice on Offshore Wind Power Pricing Policy” provides for non-tender offshore wind power project, the distinction between intertidal wind power and offshore wind are two types of on-grid tariffs. The tax-inclusive on-grid electricity tariff of 2017 for intertidal wind power projects is 0.75 yuan per kWh and the on-grid electricity tariff of offshore wind power projects is 0.85 yuan per kWh. Offshore wind power projects put into operation in 2017 and beyond will be based on technological advances and projects for offshore wind power
近年来,神经内分泌肿瘤(Neuroendocrine tumors,NETs)的发病率有上升趋势,已引起国内外学者的高度重视。神经内分泌癌在形态学上与普通腺癌不易区别,需要免疫组化进行鉴别诊
由广州市文学艺术界联合会、广州市文化局、广东国际文化交流中心和广州市音乐家协会等单位主办并定于1994年11 Sponsored by the Federation of Literary and Art Circles
A new isoflavone was obstained from the medicinal herb Amorpha fruticosa.It was elucidated asbenzopyran-12-one,1,4,10,11- tetrahydro-6′-[8′-(hydroxymethyl)eth
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治疗药物、诊断药物和耳毒性药物都在内耳有作用部位。一些新药在进行耳鸣、失听和眩晕的临床试验。合理寻找新的耳部治疗药物的工作日益增多。 Therapeutic drugs, diagnos
1月1日中国医药报经中宣部批准由重庆迁至北京出版发行。5日“六·五”国家攻关项目~(60)钴-γ射线辐照中药杀虫火菌研究在上海通过 January 1 China Pharmaceutical News